- Hata Hideo 波多秀夫(1933-),日本人,官员。
- BUYING A HATA lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. "买帽子一位妇女到一家帽子店买帽子。
- Hata Jaya: This is a very difficult question to answer. 哈塔查亚:这是一个很难回答的问题。
- Hideo hinted that silencers. Laser sights and flash lights bee some of the gun modifications. 小岛秀夫暗示消音器、激光瞄准器与手电筒将包括在部分枪支改良里面。
- Affectionately directed by Gosha Hideo, the renowned director of Three Outlaw Samurai and 226. 故事说城岛铃自幼父母双亡,被别人收养;
- Mu Hata streets have a "test XIE Li" stores, where you can also add their own tastes, such as lentils and olive sauce. 穆哈塔街上有一家“考谢利”专卖店,在那里,你还可以根据自己的口味添加橄榄和扁豆等酱料。
- Thankfully, subsequent visits allow you to spot Hideo Kojima's fingers and give them a good stomping. 幸运的是,反复观察后,你会在刹车板上发现小岛秀夫的右脚,你还可以给他几脚。
- Hata Jaya: I think that a child can have such ambition, is a bar and it deserves recognition. 哈塔查亚:我认为,一个孩子能有如此雄心,是相当棒和值得肯定的。
- Matlab file for famous HATA model complete source code can be directly used by the test. (译):Matlab的文件进行了著名的羽田孜模型完整源代码,可以直接使用。
- What is lucky was such as the Hideo Kojima such godfather level character already realized the question was, was only the incapable solution. 幸运的是诸如小岛秀夫这样的教父级人物已经认识到了问题的所在,只是无力解决。
- The enemy chieftain Shunroku Hata has sent his representatives to offer sacrifices at Chiang Kai-shek's ancestral tombs at Fenghua. 敌酋畑俊六,派遣代表到奉化祭了蒋介石的祖坟。
- Chino, T., Hata, H., Arai, K., and Ito, M., “Step-type training machine and control method,” United States Patent 5,308,300, 1991. 白雪锦,“可调式阻尼器之爬山、攀登模拟机”,中华民国专利新型第三零八零七三号,民国八十六年。
- Paper simply introduce some classical transmission model, and provide Tianjin province EV-DO network simulation which uses modified HATA model. 论文简要介绍了几种经典的传播模型,给出了使用修正得HATA模型在天津市EV-DO网络的仿真结果。
- Masanori Hata born Feb.8th, 1984, in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. He is the winner of Canon New Cosmos of Photography 2008. 秦雅则,1984年2月8日生于日本福冈县。他是佳能写真新世纪奖2008年评审团大奖得主。
- Tsutomu Hata, a former Prime Minister is notorious for his ill-advised energy-saving office wear, created by simply chopping off the arms of conventional suits at the elbow. 日本前首相羽田孜曾建议把传统服装的衣袖自肘部剪下,以节省能源,结果证明此建议愚蠢之至,因为如此一来,衣服就像是吃醋的情人发了疯,也成为人们大肆嘲弄的对象。
- It briefly presents the theory for the diffraction over terrain obstacles and describes two different path loss models, the Hata model and a FFT-based model. 本文提出一个新的数学模型,描述压力波在充满黏性不可压缩流体的等向性弹性管中的传输行为。
- Hideo Mori, Shinji Kotani, and Noriaki Kiyohiro, “A Robotic Travel Aid “HITOMI” ”, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol.3, pp.1716-1723, 1994. 徐肇鸿,导盲机器人之路径规划与控制,国立交通大学电机与控制工程系硕士论文,民国88年。
- This fact was demonstrated in 1990, when Hideo Kodama of Kyoto University wrote down equations describing an exact quantum state of a universe having a positive cosmological constant. 这件事在1990年就已证明,当时日本京都大学的小玉英雄写下了一组方程式,能够精确描述具有正宇宙常数的宇宙量子态。
- 6 Shigehisa ARAI,Takashi KOJIMA,Nobuhiro NUNOYA,Madoka NAKAMURA,Hideo YASUMOTO,Monir MORSHED,Shigeo TAMURA; 7吕惠宾,戴守愚,陈正豪,周岳亮,金奎娟,程波林,何萌,郭海中,刘立峰,黄延红,杨国桢;
- Hiromichi Ohta,Hideo Hosono.Transparent oxide optoelectronics[J].Mater Today,2004,7(6):42 余金忠.;半导体光电子技术[M]