- Hatta Yoshiaki 八田嘉明(1879-1964),日本人,官员。
- Arutchelvan, Hatta Ramli and Sallahuddin were all physically removed from the houses. 屋内阿鲁哲文带领着坚守最后一间屋子的人们高喊:“警察贪污!”
- Haigha and Hatta set to work at once, carrying rough trays of white and brown bread. 海发和海他立即忙着端上了盛白面包和黑面包的盘子。
- There are 5 Jakarta Soekarno Hatta International Airport lounges within our program. 我们在雅加达机场有5间机场贵宾室。
- Matsumoto Yoshiaki and his son Mastumoto Koichi regularly take part in the festival. 松本吉朗和他的儿子光一,会定期参与这个祭典。
- Gates has held the No. 1 spot since 1995, when he unseated Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, a Japanese real estate tycoon. 自从1995年将日本地产大亨堤义明“拉下马”后,盖茨一直稳坐世界首富宝座。
- Indonesian Transportation Minister Hatta Radjasa said 23 people had died in Wednesday's Garuda plane accident in Yogyakarta. 印尼官方媒体安塔拉通讯社报道说,在这次事件中已有23名乘客死亡。
- Hatta Rajasa, the transport minister, claims that flying is actually safer than it was a decade ago relative to the number of aircraft. 印尼交通部长哈塔罗加萨声称,对比客机的数量,现在实际的安全性比十年前要高。
- Hatta said that the same trick could be used to make foods that fight rotavirus, a disease that kills countless children in the developing world. 这个委员会必须认同大学作为学术共同体的核心价值,其组成人员应该兼具学术成就和个人威望,既理性,又富于理解力和同情心。
- Hatta Radjasa said a distress signal had been picked up over central Sulawesi and that emergency crews were on their way to search for survivors. Hatta Radjasa表示他们在苏拉威西岛中部探测到了求救信号,紧急救援队已经前往该处搜寻生还者。
- The team is in financial peril after the conviction in October 2005 of its owner, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, for insider trading and falsifying company records. 这个球队在它的老闆Tsutsumi因为交易和伪造公司纪录,于2005年10月被定罪以后处在财务危机中。
- 'It's waiting for 'em now,' said Hatta: 'this is a bit of it as I'm eating. 这时候,搏斗停下来了,狮子和独角谷都坐下来喘着气。
- 1 Hatta S, Sakamoto J, Horio Y. Ion channels and diseases. Med Electron Microsc 2002;35:117-126 2兰李;周云燕;杨志勇;翟安连;徐涛.;活细胞钙离子浓度荧光显微检测系统的研制和应用
- Hatta Radjasa said a distress signal had been picked up over central Sulawesi and that emergency crews were on their way to search for survivors. Hatta Radjasa 他们在苏拉威西岛中心收到了求救信号,紧急救援小组已经前往营救
- Matsuoka Yoshiaki 松冈良明(1919-),日本人,《山阳新闻》社长。
- Ono Yoshiaki 小野嘉明(1903-),日本人,动物心理学家。
- Arata Yoshiaki 荒田吉明(1924-),日本人,工科教授。
- Hori Yoshiaki 堀义明(1915-),日本人,共同通信社顾问。
- Hatta 哈达
- Kibe Yoshiaki 木部佳昭(1926-),日本人,官员、众议员。