- Have you got some wire screen? 有没有铁丝做的纱窗?
- Have you got some twine to tie this box up? 你有没有绳子来把这些箱子捆好?
- Have you got some Havana for my pipe? 你们有哈瓦那烟丝吗?
- Have you get some oil, by any chance? 你也许有点油吧?
- Sorry to trouble you, but have you got some matches? 对不起打扰你了,你有火柴吗?
- Have you got some scratch papers for me to write on? 有没有一些草稿纸可以给我试写看看?
- Have you got some fantastic methods for others to reach your level in short time? 有没有在短时间内达到象你老师这样水平的好方法呢?
- Have you got some knowledge that you can't get from textbooks or from your teachers? 你学到了从课本上或从老师那里学不到的知识了吗?
- Have you got any rain check for the following game? 你拿到下一场球的免费票了吗?
- How much have you got in change? 你有多少零钱?
- How are you off for cash? ie How much have you got? 你有多少现款?
- Have you got your name on the electoral register? 你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗?
- Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有没有其他建议?
- Have you get a contract in english? 请问合同有没有英文本?
- Have you get any idea about iron? 你知道铁是什么东西吗?
- I'm absolutely/fairly sure you'll feel better if you get some rest. 我绝对/相当肯定如果你休息一下,你会感觉好一些。
- Excuse me, have you get a light by any chance? 对不起,你碰巧有打火机吗?
- Have you got a product of this specification? 不知你们有没有这种规格的?
- Have you got any concrete proposals? 你有没有具体的建议呢?
- What have you got that will help a cold? 你有什么药能治感冒?