- Head Mounted Thermal Imager 安装在头部的热成像仪
- A tool with a bladed,usually heavy head mounted crosswise on a handle,used for felling trees or chopping wood. 斧一种带刀片的工具,一般重的一头十字交叉地安置在一个把手上,经常用来伐树或砍木头
- A tool with a bladed, usually heavy head mounted crosswise on a handle, used for felling trees or chopping wood. 斧一种带刀片的工具,一般重的一头十字交叉地安置在一个把手上,经常用来伐树或砍木头。
- The camera head mounting horizontal range. 投照架前后移动幅度。
- The movement of camera head mounting. 投照架移动。
- See-through head mounted display (HMD) is a key component in the augmented reality (AR) system. 穿透式双通道头盔显示器(HMD)是增强现实系统中的关键部件。
- IOD's flagship product is i-glasses brand head mounted personal display systems. IOD的旗舰产品是i-glasses牌头戴式个人显示器设备。
- It is important to develop a equipment for the test of thermal imager circuit and displaying the fault. 开发一种用于检测热像仪电路故障并显示的专用测试设备是很有必要的。
- Moreover, the temperature fields of the coating taken by thermal imager when the coating damage happened were studied. 试验结果表明:皮膜破坏一般发生在预热后基体表面温度较高区域及其与临近温度偏低区域之间的过渡区域;
- In this paper , a new infrared HMD(Head Mounted Display)eye-tracking system is presented.This system coupled a CCD and a infrared light source with the VRML HMD. 本论文提出一红外线的头盔式瞳位追踪系统,是将虚拟实境所用之头盔显示器结合CCD摄影机与红外线光源之装置。
- MSIS is supplied by El-Op of Israel and includes long-wave thermal imager, Tv camera and laser rangefinder / designator. 该仪器同时具有热成像,电视成像,和激光测距功能。
- In order to accurately evaluate the performance of an infrared thermal imager, it is necessary to test its modulation transfer function (MTF). 为了能对红外热成像系统的性能进行准确的评价,必须对其MTF进行准确测试。
- In the process of drying soft capsules,an infrared thermal imager was applied to measure the surface temperature distribution. 在对流干燥软胶囊的过程中,使用红外热像仪测量单粒软胶囊的表面温度场。
- The so-called Scorpion Tableau shows a figure wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt, identified as King Scorpion, wielding a mace over a wild-haired captive next to a bull's head mounted on a stick. 被称为蝎子王场景的画面上有一个被认为是蝎子王的头戴上埃及白色皇冠的人物形象。 他手持权杖,身边跟随一个头发蓬乱的俘虏,俘虏靠近一根插有公牛头的棍棒。
- Residual fixed pattern noise (RFPN) is becoming a major limitation for system recognition capability due to the continuous decrease of temporal NETD in thermal imager. 随着热像系统时域噪声等效温差(NETD)的不断下降,残余固定图形噪声(RFPN)的不稳定性成为制约系统性能,特别是制约系统识别能力的一个关键因素。
- Rotating angle of the module of the camera head mounting and the pole. 投照架与立柱组合体转动角度。
- The brightness and contrast of scenery which are observed by thermal imager are always very low, so the effect of vignetting on the performance of thermal imager is high. 热像仪观察的景物亮度或对比度通常很低,所以渐晕对热像仪性能的影响显得比较严重。
- Now, having used the thermal imager for two years, he’s using the experience he’s gained to develop a formal motor-condition monitoring reliability maintenance program. 现在,在使用热成像仪两年之后,他通过获得的经验,正在制定一个正式的电机状况监视可靠性维护计划。
- A fault diagnose method of thermal imager by means of testing characteristic signal of circuit is suggested.According to the result of test, the sort of fault can be determined. 今提出了诊断热像故障的一种方法,即测试整机电路的特征信号,根据测量结果自动判断故障。
- With the development of modern technology, the infrared thermal imager has been widely used, and has shown a large market potential and a bright future. 目前,随着科学技术的快速发展,红外热像仪在军事和民用领域中得到了广泛的应用,表现出了巨大的市场潜力和良好的前景。