- Head Strategic Planning Branch 策略性策划科科长
- Peter Kraus, whom Thain lured from Goldman to head strategic planning, got a guarantee of around $25 million, which he received even though he left the company after three months. 彼德克劳斯,其中塞恩引诱高盛负责战略规划,保证了约2500万美元,他收到即使他离开公司3个月后。
- Is ABC's quality strategic planning effective? 公司的质量战略规划是否有效?
- Facilitating development of a strategic plan. 制定发展战略计划。
- What is the focus of my strategic plan? 焦点问题?
- This final paper uses the method of BSP CSF and CPR to totally and comprehensively guide the MIS strategic planning if China Tietong Dalian Branch. 本论文将运用企业系统规划法(BSP)、关键成功因素(CSF)、核心流程再造(CPR)以及战略一致性模型来总体和全面的指导中国铁通集团大连分公司的管理信息系统的战略性规划。
- This completely upset the enemy's strategic plan and troop disposition. 这完全打乱了敌人的战略计划和军事部署。
- If they are staring out of the window, Put them on strategic planning. 如果他们正盯着看窗户外面,他们应该呆在策略计划部。
- Part 5: To Ascertain the strategic plan and enforcing content of CECF. 第五部分:确定广交会的发展战略方案及要实施的内容。
- Buzzell and Strategic Planning Association chief executive officer Bradley. Buzzell 教授和战略计划协会执行总裁Bradley.
- Head Manpower Policy & Planning Branch 人力政策及策划科科长
- Head Development Planning Branch 发展策划科科长
- Head Technologies Policies & Planning Branch 科技政策与计划科科长
- A,I prefer to make strategic plans and let others execute them. 我习惯去制定战略计划,然后让别人执行。
- Head Medical Operations & Planning Branch 医务行动及策划科科长
- It carries out research into a variety of issues that may have an impact on strategic planning and on Force policy. 至于一些可能对策略性计划及警队政策有影响的问题,该科也会加以研究。
- And then finally, the Corporate Planning Division includes strategic planning, and credit policy and administration. 最后,公司规划部实施战略策划、信用方针和行政管理。
- Monitor real-time service level and work with strategic planning to determine the optimum staffing plan. 监控实时的服务水平,并可在战略计划下适时安排员工工作方案。
- How to integrate with organizational strategic plans and operational needs? 如何与组织的战略计划和经营需要相结合?
- Companies usually prepare annual plans, long-range plans, and strategic plans. 公司通常要制定年度计划、长期计划和战略计划。