- To check whether or not the viewer is able to see a specific image in the browser. 结合使用来检查浏览器是否可以显示某个指定的图像。
- This is a visual essay and I have not included titles or captions so as not to “define” a specific image or attempt to explain the situation. 这是一篇意象的随笔,我没有写题目或说明,为的是不局限在特定的景象或者试图解释现状。
- Fortunately, they are close to the race, the handsome film, as usual, beautiful women together, not dishonored specific image. 所幸他们人种接近,片中照例帅哥美女汇聚,不至于辱没具体形象。
- Other features include batch processing, IPTC and EXIF support, file renaming, search for duplicate files and advanced search queries based on specific image properties. 其它的功能包括批量处理,IPTC 和 EXIF 支持,文件重命名,搜索重复文件以及根据指定的图像属性的高级搜索查询功能。
- It is a unique impressionistic approach to Chinese garden animals that the specific image of garden animals was expressed as a particular symbol by implication forms. 摘要通过园林动物的具体形象以寓意的形式表达某一特定意义是中国园林动物独特而传统的写意手法。
- Objective:To observe the specific image of breast cancer with fiberoptic ductoscopy (FDS) and to evaluate the role of FDS in diagnosis of breast cancer. 目的:观察纤维乳管内视镜(FDS)下乳腺癌的特征性影像表现,评价FDS在诊断乳腺癌中的价值。
- But genuine artist always have will in from the nature in specific image communicate than image want abstract, profound more meaning, so, change the vision of being for human existent certain kind essence to state. 但是真正的艺术家总是有志于从具体的图像中自然的传达出比图像本身要抽象、深远得多的意味,从而变为对人类存在的某种本质的视觉陈述。
- Run-Length Encoding(RLE) is a simple method of image compression based on wordbook,yet it is inefficient on the compression of some specific images. 摘要 行程编码是一种简单的基于字典的图像压缩技术,但它本身存在着对某类图像不能有效压缩的缺陷。
- He was watch ing the crowd go by. 他注视着人群走过。
- It's go ing to rain tomo rrow , I hear. 听说明天要下雨。(同上,在句末。
- Adrenocortical adenoma,pheochromocytoma and adrenocortical adenocarcinoma had their own specific imaging features on CT and MRI scanning. 在皮质腺瘤、嗜铬细胞瘤及肾上腺皮质癌等不同的组织类型间,CT和MRI具有相对特异的表现。
- She is enthral by the story she hear. 她被她听到的故事迷住了。
- On the other hand, researching on CBIR system for specific images is likely to obtain practical application and will promote universal CBIR system"s development. 研究针对某一特定类型图象的CBIR系统则可获得实际应用,并对通用型的CBIR系统的发展起很大的促进作用。
- We used to hear the train whistle at night. 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。
- Sara Mednick and her colleagues at Harvard, for example, have done a lot of work with a test that measures how well people can detect specific images amid visual distractions. 例如,萨拉?梅德尼克(SaraMednick)和她哈佛大学(Harvard)的同事们,投入大量精力进行一个实验,这个实验是衡量人们在有视觉干扰的情况下,捕捉到特定图像的能力。
- You don't have to yell; I can hear you. 你用不著喊,我听得见。
- Establish specific imaging signs of different type IO, raise the rate of early correctly diagnosis of severity type ileus such as volvulus,entocele, intussusception. 3.;建立不同类型肠梗阻的特异性影像学征象;提高严重肠梗阻类型如肠扭转、肠内疝及肠套叠早期正确诊断率。
- I hear that he has made his peace with his wife. 听说他已与他的妻子言归于好。
- It is great to hear about your recent promotion. 听说你近来得到了提升,这好极了。
- In recently introduced river specific imaging called cardranial BOB DTP MRI shows a good accuracy in the differentiation between HCC and displastic nodules. 在最近开发的BOBDTPMRI区分HCC和发育不良结节的准确性很高。