- The lessons he had heard taught him the virtue of patience. 过去所受的教育使他知道耐心的重要。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- He stood aghast on hearing the news. 他听到这消息吓呆了。
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- Viewpoint Change is the Key to Boost College English Hearing Teaching 转变观念是推进大学英语听力教学的关键
- Hearing those old songs takes me back a bit. 我听到那些旧歌曲就有些怀旧。
- A try of applying English original movies to seeing- hearing teaching 运用英文原版电影进行英语视听教学的尝试
- He ran back the tape after hearing it. 他听完录音后把磁带倒回去。
- The bandits, hearing steps, took to flight. 匪徒听到脚步声就逃跑了。
- After hearing the good news, Charles walked on air. 听到这个好消息,查尔斯喜气洋洋。
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。
- Hearing this news, his happy to go mad. 听到这个消息,他高兴得发狂。
- She is enthral by the story she hear. 她被她听到的故事迷住了。
- She's teaching the children to swim. 她正在教孩子们游泳。
- We used to hear the train whistle at night. 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。
- However, teaching is by no means an easy thing. 然而,教书并不是一容易的事情。
- Teaching little children takes infinite patience. 教幼儿需有极大的耐心。
- She finds her new teaching job very stressful. 她觉得新的教学工作非常紧张。
- You don't have to yell; I can hear you. 你用不著喊,我听得见。