- Heat tolerance identification 耐热性鉴定
- Identification of heat tolerance 耐热性鉴定
- We suggest that first lateral root numbers per unit taproot length was used as index for drought tolerance identification and selection in dryland cotton. 单位主根长度一级侧根着生密度可作为棉花耐旱性鉴定和选育的指标。
- Millennium, Eureka, WL525HQ were good at heat tolerance and suited in the hot summer place. 盛世、游客、WL525HQ的耐热性较强,适宜在夏季较炎热的地方推广种植。
- Dark green and glossy leaf, thick and white petiole, good plant shape, heat tolerance, good quality. 叶色深绿、叶柄洁白且宽厚、外型美观、耐热、品质佳。
- Objective To observe the effect of alkaline ionized water on heat tolerance and anti-oxidative function of heat-exposed mice. 目的观察碱性离子水对热暴露小鼠热耐受能力和抗氧化能力的影响。
- They have sturdy structure and well-developed body, higher reproductivity, better adaptability, heat tolerance and easy feeding and management. 体质结实,体躯发达,繁殖率高,适应性强,耐热,耐粗饲。
- Diploid and tetraploid ginger( Zingiber offidnale) were exposed to0℃,2.5℃,25℃,50℃ and93 cccccccccccc, and their cold- and heat tolerance was compared. 对生姜四倍体与二倍体用低温高温处理后,以生长恢复试验和细胞膜透性测定法对二者进行抗热性和抗寒性比较。
- The heat tolerance of poplar ‘Zhongxin 4’ varied with RH.When RH decreased, the temperature stress increased, the solar energy utilization efficiency decreased. ‘中新4’对高温胁迫的耐受程度随RH的不同而变化,RH降低,温度胁迫程度加大,表观量子效率下降。
- This product belongs to carotene with Vitamin A, is a kind of nutrient supplement which have characteristics of bright color 、fine heat tolerance and good color ability . 该产品是类胡萝卜素,属维生素A源,是一种营养强化剂,并且具有色泽鲜艳、耐热性良好、着色性强等方面特征。
- Drought tolerance identification 耐旱性鉴定
- Chilling tolerance identification 耐寒性鉴定
- The heat tolerance among 5 turfgrass cultivars was ranked as Pacer tall fescue(Festuca arundinacea)>Houndog tall fescue(F.arundinacea)>Merit bluegrass(Poa pratensis)>Derby ryegrass(Lolium perenne)>Cobra creeping bentgrass(Agrostis palustris). Merit>Derby黑麦草Lolium perennecv.;Derby>Cobra匍匐翦股颖Agrostispalustriscv
- The heat tolerance in 9 different cultivars of cyclamen stocks which were chosen from 5 series of France, Japanese, Holland, American and common variety fragrant smell cyclamen, was studied. 以法国系列、日本系列、荷兰系列、美国系列和常规品种香味仙客来等5个系列,9个大花品种仙客来(Cyclamen persicum)幼苗为试材,对仙客来的耐热性进行了系统的研究。
- The degree of saturation of fatty acids has been measured for thylakoid membranes isolated from leaves of common beans differing in heat tolerance and grown under optimal and high temperature. 摘要以耐热性不同的菜豆品种为材料,研究高温胁迫下类囊体膜脂脂肪酸组成及饱和度的变化。
- A study on drought tolerance identification of maize seedlings 玉米苗期耐旱性鉴定方法研究
- Attributes other than cosmetic listed in the standard all relate to working qualities which include but are not limited to agility, endurance, leverage, biting power and heat tolerance. 属性以外化妆品标准中列出的所有涉及到工作的素质,其中包括但不限于敏捷,耐力,利用,咬力和耐热性。
- Indeterminate type, mid-early matured variety, resistant to root knot nematode and heat tolerance, oblong fruit, 15-25g/fruit, pink after ripping, delicious and good shipping quality. 无限生长,熟性中早。抗根结线虫,耐热性强。果形长椭圆形,单果重15-25克,成熟果粉红色,品质上乘、口感风味好,果肉硬,耐贮运性好。
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。