- Heavy metal activity 重金属活性
- A heavy metal body, especially the head of a power hammer. 锤头一种重的金属体,特指汽锤或打桩机的锤头
- EU clamps down on heavy metal cadmium in batteries. 欧盟限制在电池中使用重金属镉。
- My daughter is totally gone on heavy metal music. 我女儿对重金属电子摇滚乐大感兴趣。
- Heavy metal discs are attached to a barbell. 金属杠铃片安在杠铃上。
- The Best Heavy Metal Album In The World.Ever! 金属合辑!
- Vermilion contains heavy metal arsenic and mercury. 朱砂含有重金属砷和汞。
- Heavy metal and mullets its how we were raised. 重金属及如何提高其尾乌鱼.
- Potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metal in soils in the Zhujiang River delta: Heavy metal activation in soils 珠江三角洲潜在生态风险:土壤重金属活化
- A very heavy metal bar used by firefighters and law enforcement officers to break down walls and doors. 破墙槌一种非常沉重的金属槌,是救火人员和执法官员用来捣破墙和门而用的
- Sulfuric acid in soils may lead to the formation of ammonium sulfate, which causes the release of toxic aluminum and heavy metal ions that inhibit metabolic activity. 土壤中的硫酸导致硫酸胺土壤的形成,进而导致可抑制生物新陈代谢活力的有毒的铝和重金属离子的释放。
- Heavy metal is a style of rock music with a strong beat. 重金属乐是一种节奏感很强的摇滚乐。
- This year 72,000 fans will see the cream of the heavy metal scene. 今年,72000名歌迷将欣赏到重金属乐队的精选曲目。
- There's a heavy metal gig on at the bar down the road this Friday. 附近的那家酒吧在这周五会有一场重金属演唱会。
- Vikki is the quiet type who's into heavy metal music. 韦纪是那种热衷予重金属音乐的不爱说话的人。
- Herbert: Isn't there any heavy metal music I can learn? 赫伯特:这里有没有重金属音乐可以让我学?
- Rose: A guy that listens to heavy metal could never be a Don Juan. 听重金属的男生绝对不是唐璜。
- Keywords: ash, heavy metal, dioxin, melting technology, slag. 关键词:灰渣、重金属、戴奥辛、熔融技术、熔渣。
- We would hear heavy metal doors clanging, shouts, shrieks. 我们会听到沉重的铁门开关时发出的乒乓声和喊叫声、尖叫声。
- We studied the heavy metal pollution of surface water, Xuzhou. 文章对徐州市地表水体底泥重金属的污染特征进行了研究。