- Heinrich Thoma 托马
- De Bary, Heinrich Anton (1831-88) German botanist. 德国植物学家。
- Heinrich Hertz produces radio waves. 海因里希。赫兹制造出无线电波。
- Lockemann (and) Heinrich C.Mayr. 作者声明: (by) Peter C.
- Nebst beitragen von Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer. 作者声明: Von Jacob Levy.
- Good to see you, Mr. Heinrich, I'm Doctor Hyde. 如果真的有当年不败的实力,就拿下给我们看吧!
- DeHaan [and] Heinrich Ursprung, editors. 题名其余部分: Robert L.
- The year is 1887, and Heinrich Hertz is generating radio waves. 这是1887年,31岁的赫兹正在制造无线电波。
- Heinrich Hertz shows that electromagnetic waves exist. 海因里希.;赫兹展示电磁波的存在。
- Heinrich Hertz war der 1857 in Hamburg geboren wurde. 海因里希.;赫兹1857年生于汉堡。
- Talk to Heinrich in the Loping plains to get more details. 找在[[Loping Plains]]的Heinrich获得更详尽的信息。
- But Heinrich Wang and a small glass paperweight changed all that. 但海茵里奇.;黄和一个小小的玻璃镇纸彻底改变了历史。
- Much later Heinrich Hertz demonstrated radio waves in a primitive manner. 隔了相当长一段时间;赫兹用一种简单的方法证明了无线电波的存在.
- MPEG7 content set from Heinrich Hertz Institute, http:// www.hhi.de. 边肇祺;张学工.;模式识别
- German poet of Jewish origin Heinrich Heine was born on December 13. 1797年12月13日,德国犹太诗人海涅诞生。
- Ethnic Germans in the city caused trouble with the help of Heinrich Himmler. 但泽的德意志人在海因利希希姆莱的支持下不断制造骚乱。
- Wilhelm von Thoma remained a prisoner of war until just before his death on 30th April 1948. 托马的余生都在战俘营中度过,1948年4月30日,他死于狱中。
- Welsh Carson Anderson & Stowe and Thoma Cressey Bravo LLC purchased the company for $2.4 billion in 2005. 2005年,两家私募股权公司WelshCarsonAnderson&Stowe和ThomaCresseyBravoLLC斥资24亿美元收购了这家公司。
- A Scot to London, would like to visit an old friend of mine, but forgot his address, then to my father sent a telegram: "Do you know the addresses of Thoma it? 一个苏格兰人去伦敦,想顺便探望一位老朋友,但却忘了他的住址,于是给家父发了一份电报:“您知道托马的住址吗?
- Back A Scot to London, would like to visit an old friend of mine, but forgot his address, then to my father sent a telegram: Do you know the addresses of Thoma it? 回电一个苏格兰人去伦敦,想顺便探望一位老朋友,但却忘了他的住址,于是给家父发了一份电报:“您知道托马的住址吗?