- Henri Chammartin 沙马丁
- The career of Henri Dropsy spans six decades. 亨利-道普西的职业生涯跨越了60年。
- Henri did absolutely nothing at all. 享利什么也不干。
- This astonishes me on the part of Henri IV. 我很诧异亨利四世的亵渎的话竟会是这个。
- Beenhakker, Henri L.Hartwig, Ricgard E. 相关责任者: Cook; Cynthia C.
- Henri: He'd die for another night with you. 为了能跟你再次共度良宵他可以献出生命。
- Henri Claytor won the world championship. 安力古利特第一次得到世界冠军。
- No,it was put forward in 1895 by his friend,Henri Martin Didon. 不,是他的好朋友迪龙(Henri-Martin Didon)在1895年提出的。
- Group Captain HenrI Dubois, the Barrack Officer at Colditz. 大队队长,赫尼 杜伯斯,寇地兹的兵营军官。
- Chef Henri reigns supreme in the restaurant's kitchen. 亨利主厨在餐厅厨房当主管。
- No, it was put forward in 1895 by his friend, Henri martin Di-don. 不,是他的好朋友迪成在1895年提出的。
- The 2002 St Henri was brilliant, but the vintage for 2003 was hard. 2002年圣亨利格外突出,但2003年却是困难的一年。
- It wasn't over yet, but Henri was now in possession of his capital. 亨利现在掌握了首都,在他面前有大量工作要做。
- Henri Le Fauconnier, the son of a doctor, was born and grew up at Hesdin. 亨利·拉·福科尼耶出生于埃丹的一个医生家庭并在那里长大。
- In the dead of winter he and Henri de Tonty started down the Illinois. 他带着亨利·特·吞提在这一年的隆冬起程,顺着伊里诺斯河而下。
- Jeff: No, it was put forward in 1895 by his friend, Henri Martin Didon. 杰夫: 不,是他的好朋友迪龙(Henri-Martin Didon)在1895年提 出的。
- Even I was wary of photographing Henri as I knew he did not really like it. 即便是我也非常谨慎的去拍摄亨利因为我知道他不喜欢被拍。
- Henri Camara beat Rio Ferdinand to Gary Teale's right-wing cross but his header flashed wide of the near post. 亨利.;卡马拉跳赢了费迪南德却把加利
- Henri Becquerel wondered if the fluorescence bore any relationship to the recently discovered X-rays. 亨利·贝克莱尔很想知道这种荧光同新近发现的X射线是否有关系。
- A French translation by Henri Rave, based on the present Germanedition, is on the press. 昂利 - 韦从德文本版译成的法文本,正在印刷中。