- The ways Henry II reformed the courts and the law. 亨利二世对法院及法律进行改革的方式。
- The ways King Henry II consolidated the monarchy. 亨利二世巩固君主制的途径。
- The ways Henry II reform the courts and the law. 亨利二世对法院及法律进行改革的方式。
- The ways King Henry II consolidate the monarchy. 亨利二世巩固君主制的途径。
- Henry II was the first king of the House of Plantagenet. 亨利二世是金雀花王朝的第一位国王。
- Henry II took some measures to consolidate the monarchy. 亨利二世采取了一些措施巩固君主制。
- Henry II was so angry that he drove Becket into exile. 亨利一气之下把贝克特流放了。
- King Henry II greatly strengthened the Court and extended its judicial work. 亨利二世大大加强了王家法院,扩展了其司法工作的职权范围。
- In Henry II's reign a common law was gradually established in place of the customs of the manor. 亨利二世统治时期逐步建立起来了一部普通法,代替了原来庄园的一些惯例。
- Diane de Poitiers was a noblewoman noted for her love affair with Henry II of France. 戴安娜.普瓦捷是个女贵族,和法王亨利二世相恋,因此知名。
- In the following centuries Magna Charta was solemnly reaffirmed by every king from Henry II to Henry VI. 在随后的几个世纪中,从亨利三世到亨利六世,每一位国王都一再重申大宪章的法令性。
- Chancellor to Henry II after 54, he was appointed archbishop of Canterbury ('2) and fell into disfavor with the king. 54年后任亨利二世的主教管区秘书室教士,他被指派为坎特伯雷大主教('2年)并失宠于国王。
- Why did Henry II make thomas becket archbishop of Canterbury? A: he thought that thomas becket would assist him in carrying out legal reforms. 为什么亨利二世要使托马斯成为坎特伯雷大主教?答:亨利认为他会帮助他施行法律改革。
- Chambermaid to Marguerite "Margot" of France, who is Henry II and Catherine de Medicis' daughter and King Charles IX's sister. 法国的玛格丽特(玛尔戈)的女仆,玛格丽特是亨利二世和凯瑟琳德美第奇的女儿,国王查尔斯九世的妹妹。
- During the rule of Edward I, he launched several wars upon Wales and Scotland, carried out and developed the achievements in Ireland since Henry II. 在爱德华一世统治时期,他首次以王室的名义挑起对威尔士和苏格兰的战争,并继承和拓展了自亨利二世以来英格兰在爱尔兰的统治。
- Henry II was the founder of the Angevin dynasty, usually known as the Plantagenet dynasty, and he went on to rule for 35 years. 亨利二世是安茹王朝(又常被称作金雀花王朝)的首位国王并统治了35年。
- If we are talking in terms of imperialism, the acquisition of Aquitaine can be seen as the first great coup of Henry II. 如果我们要谈到其王道,那么亨利二世智取阿基坦可谓是他一大胜利,事情还发生在他称王之前,并且对法兰西版图起到了翻天覆地的变化。
- Henry II waves his sword over a crowd of giggling children and their parents in the brightly decorated king's hall of Dover Castle. 在装饰得熠熠生辉的多佛尔城堡的国王大厅,亨利二世在一群咯咯笑的孩子和他们的父母面前将剑一挥。
- Queen of France as the wife of Henry II and regent during the minority (1560-1563) of her son Charles IX. She continued to wield power until the end of Charles's reign (1574). 凯瑟琳:法国王后,是亨利二世的妻子,在其子查理未成人期间(1560-1563年)摄政。一直操握权柄至查理王朝结束(1574年)
- The youngest son of Henry II, he schemed against his father and his brother Richard I.During his reign, the English lost most of their possessions in France. 他是亨利二世最小的儿子,曾密谋反对其父及其兄理查一世。