- Heya Takayuki 部谷孝之(1922-),日本人,众议员。
- Mr David stated that his beloved wise died after giving birth to his only daughter Miss Suzan Takayuki. 大卫先生表现出了过人的智慧,他唯一的女儿苏珊.;森本贵幸小姐出生之后就死了。
- The phthalocyanine produced by Heya Company is high-quality product processed by advanced technology, which is mainly exported to foreign countries. 企业生产的酞菁类颜料,生产工艺先进,产品品质高,产品主要销往国外。
- Takayuki Tsuji,Hiroshi Hattori ,“development of night vision system” , IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transporttation systems,Vol3.,NO.3,2002 . 韩宝玲,黄贞华,何炜新型汽车红外夜视系统的研究与开发计算机测量与控制2004.;12(9)
- Takayuki Kato,Business Development Group.Generation of Pure Airborne Negative Ion via Soft-Corona Discharge.R& D Review of Toyota CRDL,37(4):53. 今村弘;中原信哉;长谷川雅信;等.;产生负离子的建筑用砂壁状涂料[P]
- You can keep the conversation flowing, NEC market development official Takayuki Omino told reporters at a Tokyo aion account exposition where the device was on display. NEC市场研发部高管小美野孝之在展出该眼镜的东京展览会上告诉记者说:“(使用这款眼镜后,)会让整个谈话保持流畅。”
- In the evening at the beginning cocktail party, Youji Yamada, big Ze prosperous husband, Takayuki Yamada, the Yushan iron second-rate date umbra person also arrives the celebration. 当晚开幕酒会上,山田洋次、大泽隆夫、山田孝之、玉山铁二等日本影人也到场庆祝。
- Following "Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu" (adapted into movie of same title) and Satoshi Toyama (Takayuki Yamada) owns an aquatic plants shop named "Trash" and lives a normal life in a quiet small town. 幼师发誓要建立最好的小吃店的远山智史,一天遇到了在超级旅馆工作的森川铃音,2人由于机缘巧合又住到了一起。
- Heya, remember me? Yesterday i've tryed, http://opencalais.com/users/fenton ... scount oxycontin, hsrsx, 引用通告:国家司法考试网络课堂,中华司考网于2009-2-1
- Hideshi Ishida, , a, Takayuki Yamashitab and Hideo Kimotoa a Division of Mechanical Science, Dep 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Yasuhiro Koike, Takayuki Aral “Surface Light Soure Device with Polarization Function” United States Patent, Patent Number:5,982,540。 彭信舒,“光学产品射压成型制程特性之研究”,私立中原大学硕士论文,中华民国八十八年。
- Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by autumn winds. Fall is the artist. (Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata 炽热的色彩在秋风的助威中踏上了每年一次的对群山的征程。秋天是一个艺术家。
- Heya 户屋
- Takemoto Takayuki 竹本孝之(1965-),日本人,歌手、演员。
- Somiya Takayuki 宗宫尚行(1895-?),日本人,工科教授。
- Sasaki Takayuki 佐佐木高行(1830-1910),日本人,官员。
- Emura Takayuki 江村高行(1896-?),日本人,律师。
- Nakamura Takayuki 中村孝之(1936-),日本人,实业家。
- Yoshioka Takayuki 吉冈孝行(1925-),日本人,实业家。
- Ueyama Takayuki 植山隆幸(1920-),日本人,实业家。