- Abstract The Gauss pseudospectral method was used to solve the coplanar aeroassisted orbit transfer from high earth orbit to low earth orbit (HEO-LEO). 摘要 将高斯伪谱法用于共面高轨道到低轨道航天器气动辅助轨道转移的研究。
- On the aspect of observation time, it has limited efficiency for low earth orbit target space-based observation, and good efficiency for high earth orbit observation. 在可见时间方面,天基空间目标光学监视系统对低轨目标的监视能力有限,而对高轨目标具有良好的监视性能。
- HEOS High Earth Orbit Satellites 高地球轨道卫星
- Ground-based VLBI Relativistic Time Delay Model for Satellites in High Earth Orbit 人造地球卫星VLBI观测的相对论时延模型
- High Earth Orbital (HEO) Satellite 高轨地球卫星
- We sent an unmanned rocket into earth orbit. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- One year is one Earth orbit around the Sun. 一年就是地球绕太阳一周的时间。
- high earth orbit(HEO) 高地球轨道
- High Earth Orbit 高空环地轨道
- The Soviet Union put the first satellite into Earth orbit. 苏联发射了第一颗人造卫星进入地球轨道。
- Vicarious Calibration of an Ocean Salinity Radiometer from Low Earth Orbit. 地球低轨道海洋盐分辐射表的替代校准。
- The first two Rangers, launched in 1961, never got out of earth orbit. 最初的两艘游骑兵太空船,在1961年发射,始终没有脱离地球轨道。
- The two satellites were placed respectively in LEO (low earth orbit) and geostationary transfer orbit. 两颗卫星分别进入近地轨道和地球同步转移轨道。
- The earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 days. 地球每365.;25天绕太阳轨道一圈。
- Optimal trajectories are obtained by using a direct adjoining approach (so called the D form Lagrangian)for the interception or the rendezvous of a target in low circular Earth orbit by a vehicle which is initially in a high orbit. 航天器从高轨道向位于低地球圆轨道的靶目标实施拦截或进行交会 ,并用间接求解的直接伴随方法 ,即用D型拉格朗日方法求解其优化问题。
- Periapsis in Earth orbit,the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the Earth. 以地球为中心的最近点,人造卫星轨道上离地球中心最近的点。
- The wetting deformation of coarse-grained material is a key problem in design of high earth rockfill dam, but it is not solved well so far. 土石坝粗粒料浸水湿化变形,是目前高土石坝设计理论中的关键问题之一,但没有很好解决。
- Within weeks, the Soviets launched another satellite into Earth orbit, Sputnik Two. 仅在几个星期内,苏联就发射了第二颗卫星??史泼尼克2号??进入地球轨道。
- Withthe enhancement of the space militarization, it is necessary to know the present low earth orbit satellites. 随着太空军事化趋势的日益增强,了解和认识当前的低轨道卫星较为必要。