- High Mobility Tactical Truck 高机动战术卡车
- Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck 宽体机动战术卡车
- Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck 重型增程机动战术卡车
- Narrow-gap materials such as InSb have the requisite high mobility. 锑化铟之类的窄能隙材料有我们要的高迁移率。
- The position involves high mobility throughout China. 需要在国内其他城市出差。
- High mobile and Internet penetration rate. 流动电话及互联网渗透率甚高。
- BWA has entered a period of rapid growth with its low cost, high mobility, easy construction and high profit. 宽带无线接入(BWA)网凭借其运营成本低、灵活性高、建设速度快、赢利快等优势,发展极为迅速。
- Having freely articulated, highly mobile joints. 有自由连接,活动自如的关节的
- In this article,I study about T65K2 refile's magazine for ligt capacity and high mobility. 本文研究的对象为国造T65K2突击步枪的弹匣,为要达到轻量及高机动性的目的,使用高分子基复合材是必然的要求。
- My study is focus on low complexity ICI cancellation on OFDM in very high mobility environment. 摘要:本论文主要讨论在超高速移动环境下,正交分频多工系统载波间干扰之问题。
- A miscible gas displacement of the oil is advantageous, because valuable heavy components will at the end be contained in a phase with a fairly high mobility. 混相驱油有许多优点,许多有价值的重组分将最终呈现具有高运移性的相态。
- Highly Mobile Tactical Radar 高机动战术雷达
- Our attempt shows the significance of DHCP application on management of large-scale networks and on the network systems that require high mobility. 实践表明,DHCP技术对管理大规模的以及对网络移动性要求高的网络系统具有重要的意义。
- Objective: High mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) as a late-acting cytokine mediates lethality of sepsis and systemic inflammation. 目的:高迁移率族蛋白B1(HMGB1)作为一种晚期炎症介质,介导了脓毒症和其他系统性炎症的致死性效应。
- Objective: To study the role of High mobility group A (HMGA) in the occurrence and the progression of uterine leiomyomas. 目的:探讨高迁移率蛋白A(HMGA)在子宫平滑肌瘤发生、发展中的作用。
- Take advantage of Shock Troopers and Stormriders high mobility, and use them to catch up to your opponents retreating units and finish them off. 震波部队和风暴骑士拥有高机动性优势,利用祂们追赶逃跑得敌人,解决掉它们。
- The squadron was protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense. 这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。
- Implementation of the protocol overcomes the limitation of wireless bandwidth and high mobility, impro ves the performance and the destruction resisting capacity of the network. 协议的实现充分考虑了无线信道的有限带宽和移动性,提高了网络性能和抗毁性。
- The high mobility of germanium and the ability of germanium to absorb in the infrared make it a promising candidate in high-speed photodetector application. 因为锗拥有高的载子迁移率且具有吸收红外光的能力,使其成为在高速光侦测器应用上的最佳选择。
- Baoding in the vicinity of the old troupe, whether professional or semi-professional, and because of their high mobility, generally do not have a fixed Shezhi. 保定一带的旧戏班,无论是专业的还是半专业的,因其流动性很大,一般没有固定的社址。