- As the development of China Railway, the aerodynamics of the high speed EMU, especially the security of it in crosswind is worth emphasizing. 随着我国高速铁路的发展,高速动车组的空气动力学尤其是横风作用下动车组的安全性研究值得重视。
- Based on the feantures of service-repair of high speed EMU and foreign experience,drawing models of the general layout at maintenance depot are briefly analyzed. 根据高速铁路电动车组运用检修的特点和国外运用经验,分析动车组的维修体制、动车段的型式和总平面布置的要求等重要问题。
- This paper introduced the testing technology of comprehensive test of "Chinese Star" EMU China on QIN - SHEN railway line for passenger traffic, and summarized some characteristics of testing technology of high - speed EMU train. 通过对《中华之星》电动车组及在秦沈客运专线进行的综合性能试验测试技术的简单介绍,总结了此次高速动车组试验技术的几个特点。
- According to the characteristics of the high speed EMU, this paper puts forward a design of brake system, which makes full use of the advantage of driving force brake without wear. 根据高速电动车组制动的特点;本文提出一种制动系统的设计方案;充分发挥动力制动无磨损的优势.
- Research process of the aerodynamic performance for "China Star" high speed EMU is presented: the numerical calculations, wind channel test, dynamic module test and field running test. 摘要介绍了我国即将投入运营的“中华之星”高速列车空气动力性能研究过程:数值计算、风洞试验、动模型试验、在线实车试验;
- Two types of power arrangement on foreign highspeed trains are introduced, one is the French TGVhigh speed EMU, the other is the Japanese Shinkansenhigh speed EMU. 介绍了两种国外高速列车的动力配置方式,一种是法国TGV高速电动车组模式,另一种是日本新干线高速电动车组模式。
- Design of Brake System of High Speed EMU 高速电动车组制动系统方案设计
- Braking system of "China Star " high speed EMU “中华之星”电动车组制动系统
- Design of aluminum trailer car body for "China Star" high speed EMU "中华之星"动车组铝质拖车车体的设计
- Design of steel trailer for "China Star" high speed EMU "中华之星"高速列车钢质拖车的设计
- R &D of power car bogie for "China Star" high speed EMU “中华之星”电动车组动力车转向架的研究开发
- JD128 asynchronous traction motor for "China Star" high speed EMU “中华之星”动力车用JD128异步牵引电动机
- discussion on the Air Brake System of High Speed EMU 高速动车组空气制动系统的探讨
- Design of steel trailer for"China Star" high speed EMU “中华之星”高速列车钢质拖车的设计
- The speed of this aircraft is very high. 这架飞机的速度非常快。
- Comparison between Features of High Speed EMU and the Locomotive Traction Mode 高速铁路电动车组与机车牵引方式的特征比较
- The train flashed by at high speed. 火车疾驶而过。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。