- Colonic adenomatous polyp is one of the high risk factors of colorectal tumors. 结论直肠、乙状结肠是结直肠息肉、炎症、溃疡、肿瘤的主要发病部位。
- Analysis of Clinical Treatment And High Risk Factors of Hirschsprung's Disease With Enterocolitis in Neonates. 新生儿先天性巨结肠合并小肠结肠炎的临床治疗及高危因素。
- Study on the influences of estrogen to the cardiovascular high risk factors of post menopausal women. 雌激素对绝经后妇女心血管高危因素的影响
- The high risk factors and iatrogenic bile duct injury during cholecystectomy:a report of 12 cases. 胆囊切除术的高危因素与医源性胆管损伤(附12例临床分析)
- Conclusion: The premature infant and/or the lowbirth weight newborn are high risk factors of the pneumorrhagia onset. 结论早产儿、低体重是发生肺出血的高危因素。
- Objective:Explore the high risk factors effecting early postinfarction angina(EPIA). 目的:探讨影响心肌梗塞后早发性心绞痛(EPIA)发生率的高危因素。
- To explore the high risk factors and management of placenta previa complicated with placenta accreta. 摘要目的探讨前置胎盘合并胎盘植入的高危因素及处理方法。
- Objective: To analyze the clinical course of amniotic fluid embolism(AFE)and identify the high risk factors. 目的:通过对23例羊水栓塞(AFE)临床分析,找出其诱发高危因素,并提出防治措施。
- Objective To explore the high risk factors of metabolic syndrome(MS) in obese children with acanthosis nigricans. 目的探讨肥胖伴黑棘皮病儿童代谢综合征(MS)的高危因素。
- Severe heart disease, long flow,break time of the aorta and aged patient were the high risk factors. 严重心脏疾病、主动脉断流时间长、高龄患者较易出现心律失常。
- In conclusion, immunocompromised status and intra-abdominal comorbidities are high risk factors. 结论:糖尿病及腹内疾病为显著危险因子。
- Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that ARDS and hyperglycosemia were high risk factors. 多因素分析结果表明ARDS和高血糖是PE发生的高危因素。
- It is important to screen the high risk factors of premature delivery and gestational diabetes. 高龄与早产、胎儿窘迫、妊娠期糖尿病、剖宫产率升高等不良妊娠结局密切相关。
- Wang YJ, Yan ZD. The high risk factors of cholelithia- sis in senile patients with type 2 diabetes. Zhongguo Lao Nian Xue Za Zhi. 王玉君,严钟德。老年2型糖尿病患者胆结石发生的高危因素。中国老年学杂志。
- Objective To analyze the high risk factors of parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis(PNAC)in the very low birth weight infants(VLBWI). 目的分析极低出生体重儿(very low birth weight infant,VLBWI)发生肠外营养相关胆汁淤积(parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis,PNAC)的高危因素。
- The carotid arteries intima-media thickness(IMT)and resistent index(RI)in high risk factors groups were higher than that in low risk factors groups(P<0.05). 高危险因素组颈动脉内-中膜厚度(IMT)、阻力指数(RI)明显大于低危险因素组(P<0.;05);
- Results: (1) A large number of follicles stimulated, luteal phase support with HCG and pregnancy are high risk factors to induce OHSS. 结果 ( 1 )OHSS发生的高危因素 :双侧卵巢被激发过多卵泡、黄体支持应用人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (hCG)以及妊娠。
- The organic solvents of trichloroethylene, hexane, dichloroethane and benzene as well as stone dust are high risk factors of occupation hazards. 三氯乙烯、正己烷、二氯乙烷和苯等有机溶剂以及宝石粉尘属于职业病危害高风险的有害因素。
- Objective: To study the high risk factors of uremia accompanied with bleeding in upper digestive tract and its prevention and therapy. 目的:探讨尿毒症合并上消化道出血的高危因素及防治。
- Results: Old age,obesity,gynecologic malignant tumors, vaginal operation and using dicynone were the high risk factors for postoperative DVT. 结果:发生下肢深静脉血栓的高危因素有肥胖、妇科恶性肿瘤手术、阴式子宫切除术等。