- His aim is uncertain. 他的目标不明确.
- His aim is honorable and praiseworthy. 他的目的是高尚的,值得称赞的。
- His aim is that he can study abroad. 他的目的是他能留学。
- As a sporter ,his aim is winner of the world. 作为一句运动员;他的终极目标是拿世界冠军.
- His aim is deadly,ie so accurate that he can kill easily. 他弹无虚发。
- His aim is deadly(= so accurate that he can kill easily). 他弹无虚发。
- The achievemen of his aims is possible. 完成他的目标是可能的。
- His aim is uncertain 他的目标不明确.
- His aim is deadly, ie so accurate that he can kill easily. 他弹无虚发.
- The date of his departure is uncertain. 他离开的日期尚未确定。
- Almost everything begins in improvisation, and his aim is never merely to make an audience laugh or cry. 他的舞蹈几乎全部都始于灵感的激发,让观众捧腹大笑或者是失声痛哭绝非是他的唯一目标。
- The company's future is uncertain. 这家公司前途未卜。
- But my first intuition, the aim of his despitefulness to the girl is very clear.Yes, his aim is to break up. 我的第一直觉,这个男友故意刁难这位女孩,目的很明确,就是分手。
- The date of his arrival is uncertain. 他的到达日期未定。
- To transfer to housebreaking, there are two conditions.The first is the actor should takes violence within the domicile, and the second is his aim is to shelter spoils. 转化型抢劫罪构成“入户抢劫”应具备两个条件:行为人当场实施的暴力或暴力威胁行为是在户内,而非户外,且目的是为了窝藏赃物。
- Now that oil is scarce, the fate of the motor car is uncertain. 既然石油短缺,那么汽车将来会怎样就难以预料了。
- The question whether he will join us is uncertain. 他是否叁加的问题还没有确定。
- A teacher's aim is to impart knowledge. 教师的作用是传授知识。
- Their aim is to regenerate British industry. 他们的目的是复兴英国的工业。
- It is uncertain whether (he) will succeed or fail. 胜败未卜。