- His theory fell into disrepute 他的理论渐渐名声扫地了。
- The belief fell into disrepute soon after his passing. 信仰分成坏名声在他通过以后。
- The hotel fell into disrepute after they began to serve alcohol. 这家旅馆自卖起酒来之后就名声不好。
- Since the scandal, the school have rather fall into disrepute. 自从发生了这件丑闻,该校名声大为下降。
- Since the scandal, the school has rather fallen into disrepute. 自从发生了这件丑闻,该校名声大为下降。
- The hotel fell into disrepute after the shooting incident. 枪击事件发生后, 这家旅馆便声誉扫地。
- Understandably, no patriot wants to fall into disrepute. 可以理解,没有哪个爱国人士甘心声名扫地。
- That theory fell into disfavo(u)r in the nineteenth century. 那种理论在19世纪就不受欢迎。
- The official has fallen into disrepute for his embezzlement of the public funds. 那名官员因盗用公款而声名狼藉。
- Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute. 丑闻使这所学校名誉扫地。
- This company has fallen into disrepute in recent years. 这家公司近几年来已是声名狼藉。
- This company has fallen into disrepute in recentyears. 这家公司近几年来已是声名狼藉。
- Since the scandal,the school has rather fallen into disrepute. 自从发生了这件丑闻,该校名声大为下降。
- Many old remedies for illness have fallen into disrepute among doctors. 医生们已经不再相信以前使用过的许多药物。
- Since the scandal, the school has rather fallen into disrepute . 自从发生了这件丑闻;该校名声大为下降.
- His association with the gang brought him into disrepute. 他同这个帮派的联系使他名誉扫地。
- The company has fallen into disrepute in recent years. 这家公司近几年来已是声名狼藉。
- In an era when state planning fell into disrepute, here was one lot of technocrats who actually knew what they were talking about. 在那个国家的计划已经丧失名誉的年代,是那些懂“技术”的人们才真正知道他们究竟在谈论什么。
- For several years his theory held the field. 几年来他的理论一直保持着权威地位。
- That seer is famous for his theory. 那个预言家以他的理论而出名。