- I pu t the liquo r bo t t le aw ay and w en t over thew ashbow l to rin se the glass ou t. 我将酒瓶放到了另一个地方,在洗碗槽里洗了一下酒杯。
- Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of treatm en t of refractory bile duct stones by Swiss LITHOCLAST with cholangioscopy. 目的探讨胆道镜下气压弹道碎石治疗胆道难取性结石的疗效与安全。
- In general, a nat ion's balance of paym en t s isaffected by the app reciat ion o r dep reciat ion of it scu rrency in the fo reign exchange m arket. 金融语体是比较正式的语体。它的正式性主要体现在金融术语的运用上。金融术语大致可以分为两种,一种是金融特有的术语,它们仅出现在或绝大多数情况下出现在金融语体中。
- A s far as the funct ion of vasodilatat ion andvasocon st rict ion are concerned, laser therapy, no tto m en t ion it s advan tages, does apparen t ly noharm to arterio sclero sis vessel at least. 排中律要求:同一命题或者是真的,或者是假的,没有中间状态可言。
- 9 A n AFM scann ing graph for the experim en t sam-p les that study the quas i-un id irectiona l etch ingeffect. 标题: 图9准单向蚀刻效应影响沟槽结构的蚀刻面形的原子力显微镜扫描图.;图(a)、图(c)和图(e)分别是图(b)、图(d)和图(f)的三维立体结构图 F ig
- 1 T he geom etry of the spec im en andthe load ing schem e(a)for the experim en t; 标题: 图1试件的形状和加载示意(a)实验用试件形状;(b)计算应力强度因子的试件形状 F ig.
- How long are you go - ing on ho - li - day? 你打算度假多长时间?
- 1 UV-absorbab le spectrum of photo-a lignm en t m ateria l CEM C. 标题: 图1光控取向材料CEM C的UV吸收谱 F ig.
- He mentioned en passant that he was going away. 他顺便提到他要离开的事。
- In stitu te of Geo logy,D epartm en t of Earth Sciences, 四川省地震局工程地震研究所,四川成都610041;
- We stopped at Paris en route from Rome to London. 我们从罗马去伦敦的途中曾在巴黎停留。
- They passed through Paris en route for Rome. 他们途经巴黎前往罗马。
- Ho much cloth does t tae to wmae a srt for the grl? 女孩做一条裙子要用多少布?
- The hotel has 25 bedrooms, all en suite. 饭店有25间带浴室的客房。
- Ho long does t tae to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本需要多长时间?
- I always enjoy winter evenings spent en famille. 我一向喜欢与家人共度冬宵。
- Everyth i ng's new a nd exc i t ing. 什么事儿都很新奇,也很让人兴奋。
- Ho, ok. we'll have someone there in about30 minutes. 好。这样的话,30分钟之内我们会派人过去。
- My blue coat is en years old. It has seen better days. 我的蓝上衣穿10年,已经很旧了。
- Hoření 霍热尼