- Holy Roman Emperor is crowned 圣罗马皇帝授冠
- He crowned Frederick II as Holy Roman Emperor (1220) but threatened to excommunicate him if he failed to join the crusade. 他加冕腓特烈二世为神圣罗马帝国皇帝(1220),但威胁他如果不加入十字军行列就会被处以绝罚。
- Frederick V, the Habsburg king of Germany, was crowned Holy Roman emperor as Frederick III in 1452, and Habsburgs continued to hold that title until 1806. 哈布斯堡王室出身的德意志国王腓特烈四世,在1452年被加冕为神圣罗马帝国皇帝,称腓特烈三世,哈布斯堡王室拥有此头衔至1806年。
- A Crusade from 1228 to 1229 led by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II who was therefore excommunicated by the Pope,by negotiation Frederick was able to crown himself king of Jerusalem. 1228年到1229年由神圣罗马帝国皇帝弗雷德里克二世领导东侵,为此他被罗马教皇逐出教会,通过谈判弗雷德里克二世加冕自己为耶路撒冷的皇帝。
- Located in the city centre, it is named after Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor. 位于市中心,以圣罗马皇帝马克西米利安一世命名。
- While the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, might be God's sworn defender, he wasn't above using the swords of heretics to swell his army and terrify his enemies. 神圣罗马帝国的君主查理五世虽然曾经宣誓当上帝的守护者,却用异教徒的刀剑来增强军队和恐吓敌人。
- Because of its importance to the Holy Roman Emperor, Hitler's third Reich chose the city as the site of their large NSDAP party Conventions. 可想而知,正因为它在历史上的重要性,希特勒的第三帝国才会相中纽伦堡并把庞大的政党集会安排在这里。
- Yaroslav's granddaughter, Eupraxia the daughter of his son Vsevolod I, Prince of Kiev, was married to Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor. 雅罗斯拉夫的孙女,也就是弗谢沃洛多一世的女儿叶芙普拉克西娅嫁给了神圣罗马帝国的亨利三世。
- At that point, the “Holy Roman” emperor, Henry IV, gives ground in a bitter power struggle with the papacy, begs the pope's forgiveness and is readmitted to the good graces of the church. 此时,“神圣罗马”的君主亨利八世在同罗马教宗的艰苦权利争斗中缴械,恳请教皇原谅,并且重新承认了教堂的大恩大德。
- "Frederick IV, the Habsburg king of Germany, was crowned Holy Roman emperor as Frederick III in 1452, and Habsburgs continued to hold that title until 1806. " 哈布斯堡王室出身的德意志国王腓特烈四世,在1452年被加冕为神圣罗马帝国皇帝,称腓特烈三世,哈布斯堡王室拥有此头衔至1806年。
- The holy Roman empire is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. 神圣罗马帝国既费神圣、亦非罗马、更非帝国。
- The hill is crowned with a wood. 山顶上长满了树。
- Peter I is crowned as Emperor of Brazil. 年,彼得一世被授冠成为巴西的皇帝。
- Charles V elected emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. 1519年的今天,查尔斯五世被选为神圣罗马帝国的皇帝。
- a Crusade from 1228 to 1229 led by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II who was therefore excommunicated by the Pope; by negotiation Frederick was able to crown himself king of Jerusalem. 1228年到1229年由神圣罗马帝国皇帝弗雷德里克二世领导东侵,为此他被罗马教皇逐出教会;通过谈判弗雷德里克二世加冕自己为耶路撒冷的皇帝。
- In 1806 he relinquished the crown of the Holy Roman Empire. 1806年他放弃了神圣罗马帝国的王位。
- The Emperor is a renowned patron of learning. 这位皇帝是一位有名的崇尚学术的君王。
- Its summit is crowned by a small shrine. 它的顶巅有座小庙。
- One of the German princes of the Holy Roman Empire entitled to elect the emperor. 选帝侯有权参加选举神圣罗马帝国皇帝的日耳曼王侯
- King Philip VI of France is crowned. 1328年的今天,法兰西国王菲利浦六世加冕。