- Hong Kong dollar (符号为HK)港元
- 2001年香港大学从香港入港口及鸟园市场的宠物鸟分离得到20株病毒,命名为A/Songbird/Hong Kong,SBxx/2001。The studies characterize H3N8 influenza viruses from songbirds at the point of entry to Hong Kong, from the "Bird Garden" markets in Kowloon Hong Kong and from different region of the world.
- 符号mark
- 分离株 DK/SZH/1/02(H3N6)另成一支,其与 A/Aquartic Bird/Hong Kong/399/99 (H3N8) 同源率最高,达 95.4%。DK/SZH/1/02(H3N6) isolate together with A/Aquartic Bird/Hong Kong/399/99 (H3N8) belonged to one subgroup.
- 符号为scandium (Sc)
- 为难make things difficult for
- 马来西亚金组企业领导Loi Heng Kong女士Golden Group Director Mdm Loi Heng Kong, Malaysia
- 常规内存(符号为: K)640K conventional memory 640K
- two-dollar broker (纽约证券交易所)两美元经纪人
- 转化为translate into
- 她说她是dollar银行的,她问她能否和我谈一分钟。She said she was from the Dollar Bank, and she asked if she could talk to me for a minute.
- 以人为本people oriented; people foremost
- 符号的symbolic
- 其中 Kong- Kim算法和基于一阶泰勒级数展开式的迭代最小二乘算法是两种非常优秀的算法 .Kong Kim algorithm and the algorithm of iterative least square fitting based on the first order Taylor series expansion are good ones.
- 有为yu-wei
- 所以我会去交易市场,询问 “What's your tom/next dollar mark?”So then I would go into the market and say @What's your tom/next dollar mark?
- 为准be as the criterion
- 表情符号emoticon
- 替换为replace with
- 数学符号mathematical sign