- Pilotage is compulsory in Hong Kong waters. 领航在香港水域是强制性的。
- Many marine fish breed in Hong Kong waters. 本港海域有多种海鱼栖居。
- Sharks have been sighted in Hong Kong waters in recent early summers. 过去数年,在初夏期间,香港水域均发现鲨鱼踪迹。
- Chinese White Dolphins living in Hong Kong waters, also a mascot of Hong Kong. 生活在香港水域的中华白海豚,亦是香港的吉祥物。
- The Marine Department's Vessel Traffic Centre (VTC) is responsible for ensuring safe and efficient marine traffic flow in Hong Kong waters. 海事处辖下的船只航行监察中心,负责确保香港水域的海上交通安全畅顺。
- Pilots play an important role by helping shipmasters to navigate safely within Hong Kong waters. 领港员在协助船长在香港水域内安全航行方面,发挥重要作用。
- The variable freshwater discharge from the Pearl River has a marked influence on Hong Kong waters. 珠江流出反覆多变的淡水,对香港水体有显著的影响。
- A Dangerous Goods Information System has been developed to monitor all vessels carrying dangerous goods in Hong Kong waters. 危险货物资讯系统已经设立,以监察所有在香港水域运载危险货物的船舶。
- Plan is in hand to deploy more buoys for weather monitoring in Hong Kong waters. 天文台正计划在香港水域设置更多浮标气象站,作监测天气之用。
- The normal tidal range in Hong Kong waters is between one and two metres, depending on the relative influence of the moon and sun. 香港的正常潮汐涨退幅度介乎一至两米之间,视乎月亮及太阳的相对影响而定。
- Accoding to the present forecast track and intensity, swells may be present in Hong Kong waters later. 根据目前预测移动路径和系统强度,香港邻近海域将于稍后出现暗涌。
- The normal tidal range in Hong Kong waters is between one and two metres,depending on the relative influence of the moon and sun. 香港的正常潮汐涨退幅度介乎一至两米之间,视乎月亮及太阳的相对影响而定。
- The Marine Department administers the port. Its principal function is to ensure safety of navigation and efficiency of shipping activities in Hong Kong waters. 海事处负责管理港口,其主要职能是确保船舶在本港水域安全航行,并促进航运活动的效率。
- Dr. Lindsay Porter, WWF Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Officer, introduced the Chinese White Dolphins in the Hong Kong waters. 世界自然基金会海豚保护主任布莲诗博士介绍香港水域的中华白海豚。
- Using complex ecosystem modelling, the potential impact of each scenario on the different fishing groups and sectors in Hong Kong waters was studied. 研究人员利用复杂的生态系统模型,分析各管理方案对各渔业组别及香港各水域的影响。
- Dangerous Goods Information System has been developed to monitor all vessels carrying dangerous goods in Hong Kong waters. 危险货物资讯系统已经设立,以监察所有在香港水域运载危险货物的船舶。
- The Water Pollution Control Ordinance,which started with the first effective water control zone in 1987,has been gradually extended to cover all Hong Kong waters. 《水污染管制条例》随着一九八七年宣布设立首个水质管制区而生效,其后适用范围逐步扩大,以至包罗全港水域。
- During the summer,an oceanic flow from the south-west to the north-east brings the warm,high-salinity water of the Hainan Current into Hong Kong waters. 夏季期间,一股由西南流向东北的海流把温暖而咸度甚高的海南海流带入香港水域。
- The new bioindicators monitoring programme was carried out in six zones which took into account the pollution levels in different areas of Hong Kong waters. 新的生物指标监测计划共包括六个监测区,分别代表本港不同污染程度的海域。
- The proposed infrastructure works could also affect the Chinese White Dolphins, which inhabit the western Hong Kong waters around Lung Kwu Chau and off Black Point. 此外,建议进行的基建工程也会危及在香港西部水域,尤其鼓洲及烂角咀一带栖息的中华白海豚。