- Horizontal section analysis 纵剖面分析
- A modified caesarean section analysis of 60 cases. 改良式新式剖宫产术60例分析
- An ordinary horizontal well consists of vertical section,curve section and horizontal section. 普通水平井轨迹由三部分组成:直井段,造斜段,水平段。
- This method, compared with horizontal section and vertical section, has smaller jobs, simpler calculations and more accuracies in the room work. 该方法与水平断面法和垂直断面法相比,内业工作量小,计算简单,精度可靠。
- I think it is necessary to do a thin section analysis to determine the lithology. 我认为需要观察薄片才能确定岩性。
- MALDI MS imaging for tissue section analysis has opened a newarea in clinical mass spectrometry. 基质辅助激光解吸电离质谱成像技术分析组织切片已成为临床质谱学的一个新领域。
- When horizontal section is short, the water coning is formed in a short time, the two shoulders of the coning are steep and the oil/water interface deforms greatly. 采用水平井开发时,由于水平段较长,油藏内井筒附近生产压差较小,底水形成水脊,水脊脊进速度慢,见水时间推迟,提高了无水期产油量。
- This paper studies systematically the effects of wellbore diameter, wellbore trace, horizontal section length and eccentricity on production of horizontal well. 系统分析了水平井井眼尺寸、井眼轨迹、水平井水平段长度和偏心距对水平井产量造成的影响。
- In CTVE via A,B and C points,the indication rates of the malleus,the indus, the drum cape,the canalis facialis horizontal section,and the prominence of horizontal semicircular canals were prosperously 100%. 40例正常志愿者经选择的A、B、C点入路行CTVE中,锤骨、砧骨、鼓岬、面神经管水平段和外半规管隆凸显示率均为100%25;
- Radial horizontal well is the most complicated one in horizontal well series,it has a major horizontal section and one or several branch sections. 辐向水平井是水平井系列中的高难度井,它除了有一段水平井段外,还有另外一条或多条分支井段。
- The movement of top coal and top roof is discussed with the data observed from the caving mining of deeply inclined thick coal seam with horizontal section in Zhaogezhuang colliery of Kailuan Group. 就开滦集团赵各庄矿在急倾斜厚煤层采用水平分段开采过程中的现场观测,探讨顶煤和顶底板运移。
- With the data of core observation, thin section analysis and SEM (scanning electron microscope), crossplot and main component analysis are used to distinguish the lithology of a volcanic reservoir. 应用岩心观察、薄片分析、扫描电镜等资料,采用交会图法、主成份分析等方法,对火山岩储层进行了岩性识别;
- Because of long chain couple helix composition of XC, XC can drag reduction, make drilling fluid keep disturbed flow condition in horizontal section, and stop cutting bed formation. XC的长链状双螺旋结构使其具有减阻作用,使钻井液在水平段始终处于紊流状态,阻止了水平段岩屑床的形成;
- Based on the experimental study, an elastoplastic section analysis method is conducted to predict the loads of beams, the results from the theoretical predictions and the experiment agree well. 在试验研究的基础上,采用弹塑性截面分析法计算梁的承载力,理论计算值与试验值吻合良好。
- ERD wells are widely adopted due to its great economic benefits and its applicability fur special purposes, while the drag along the horizontal section has limited the promotion of ERD wells. 摘要大位移井技术因其具有巨大经济效益并能够满足特殊作业的目的而得以迅速推广应用,但水平井段摩阻扭矩又成为了制约大位移井推广应用的关键因素。
- With the SWOT analysis, this section analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Dalian" s tourist development.3. 运用SWOT分析模型,力图梳理、阐析出大连旅游发展中现存的优势、劣势、机会与威胁。
- The optimal direction,length and perforation location of horizontal sections in the side-drilling horizontal wells of the fastigium-faulted reservoir were pointed out. 在临盘油田盘40块屋脊式断块油藏应用了侧钻水平井技术,根据剩余油研究结果及优化的水平井地质参数进行了布井。
- The fourth section analyses the basic features and functions of urban area economic hinterland. 第四部分分析了城市地域经济腹地的基本特征及功能;
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- The first section analyses the language function of Shituo"s novels and illuminates the intermixed language strategies. 第一部分分析师陀小说的语言功能,观照文本糅合化的语言策略。