- Hospital Management Philosophy 医院管理哲学
- The company explained their management philosophy. 这家公司解释说明他们的管理理念。
- What is your management philosophy? 你们的管理思想是什么?
- Shandong Center Hospital Management Inc. 是山东省成立的第一家医院管理类集团公司。
- The state board of health is responsible for hospital management. 国家卫生局负责医院的管理工作。
- Six Sigma is a popular management philosophy that is sweeping the globe. 是一个受欢迎的管理理论,它波及全球。
- In hospital management,how to dig up the tacit knowledge is a critical task. 在医院管理中如何把隐性知识挖掘出来,是一项很重要的任务。
- The hospital managed to wean her off the drug. 医院已让她逐步减少依赖这种药。
- Mr Donofrio points to a succession of crises that have shaped his management philosophy. 多诺弗里奥先生指出,有一系列危机塑造了他的管理哲学。
- Technological innovation is the basic engineering of hospital management. 技术创新是医院管理的基础工程。
- Management philosophy: base on human nature, to learn, pragmatistic, innovative, loyal, faith to work and cooperation. 以人为本,学习、务实、创新、忠诚、敬业、团队合作。
- OLY Enterprise Management Philosophy : Strictness、 Standard、Systematically、Precision、Optimum、Perfect. 奥菱企业运作理念:达到标准是根本,超越标准直至完美是目的。
- Herald flea market heralds consistently uphold the page style and management philosophy. 先声跳蚤市场秉承先声一贯的页面风格和管理理念。
- Our management philosophy is steeped in the tradition of hospitality and “Aloha” of Hawaii. 我们的管理哲学以传统的礼貌夏威夷式的热忱。
- The social responsibility of management is an important aspect of Oliver Sheldon's management philosophy. 摘要管理的社会责任问题,是谢尔登管理哲学思想的一个重要方面。
- Keyword: Intelligent hospital management information systems, databases, object-oriented. 关键字:智能医院管理信息系统、据库、向对象。
- Continually improving our faculty through competition while Promoting educational development though research is our management philosophy. 竞争优化师资,科研促进发展是华一的管理指南。
- PACS, HIS system and modern hospital management base on steady - going and high-effect NetPC and network. PACS系统HIS系统以及医院管理在现代化医院中的应用都要以计算机及稳定的高效的网络为基础。
- The auther raised six arguments to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of establishing Chinese management philosophy. 作者提出六项论点论证了建立中国管理哲学的必要性和可行性。
- Reconstitution of hospital is a general trend of reform of hospital management system at present. 医院重组是当前医院管理体制改革的一大趋势。