- Hou Hsiao - Hsien 侯孝贤
- Astragalus maowenensis Hsiao, mss. 茂汶黄芪
- Hou much money are you going to draw from the bank? 你准备从银行取多少钱?
- Dog and sh.pherd boy near Chung wu hsien. 长武县附近,狗与放牧的儿童。
- Hsiao Yang pranced away to find his large friend. 小羊快跑去找他的大朋友。
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
- That young man is the son of Minister Hou. 这是侯司徒的公子。
- Q: Why does Hou Yi have to shoot down 9 suns? 问:后羿为什么要射下九个太阳呢?
- Now, Shi Hou came and asked him for help. 石厚把他父亲的主意告诉了州吁,然后他们来到了陈国。
- Hou are you getting on with your work[English]? 你工作[学英语]情况怎样?
- Hou do you think about our city? 你觉得我们的城市怎么样?
- Inebriate each dispersion of Hou. 醉后各分散。
- Hou do you makc a banana milk shake? 第七单元怎样制作香蕉奶昔?
- Maar papa, ik hou steeds meer van jou. 但是爸爸,我是那样爱您。
- And the Chairman is Mr Hou Renyi. 公司法人代表:侯仁义先生;
- Lee Hsien Loong is sworn in as Singapore's 3rd Prime Minister. 2004年的今天,李显龙宣誓成为新加坡的第三任总理。
- At that time, with drums, Shaw (Pai Hsiao), Jia playing together. 当时,是用鼓、萧(排萧)、笳在一起演奏的。
- Criminal in chains and block in market place Chung wu hsien. 长武县集市上示众的犯人。
- Hsiao started on the path to becoming a songwriter in high school. 萧煌奇高中时就立志踏上创作歌手之路。
- Many other grand masters, such as Ti Hsien, Hsu Yun, etc. 试问那个寺庙、庵堂没有规矩?