- The Spanish royal family belongs to the House of Bourbon. 西班牙皇室属于波旁皇族。
- The French Revolution encompassed the fall of the House of Bourbon. 法国大革命造成波旁王朝的崩溃。
- Still, the House of Bourbon should have felt, from the displeasure created by the gift, that it did not come from it. 其实,波旁家族作此恩赐,并非出于心甘情愿,它早就应当意识到并没有什么东西是由它恩赐的。
- Among 1814-1816 years, Napoleon is banished, the imperial court restores the old order by House of Bourbon, David leave France, These have exerted a great influence on life of Gros. 在1814-1816年期间,拿破仑被流放,波旁王朝复辟,大卫离开法国,这些事件对格罗的生活产生了重大影响。
- The House of Bourbon was to France the illustrious and bleeding knot in her history, but was no longer the principal element of her destiny, and the necessary base of her politics. 波旁家族,对法兰西来说,是它历史上一个显眼和流血的节疤,但已不是它的命运的主要成分和它的政治的必要基础;
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。
- Give me a shot of bourbon whisky. 请给我一杯波旁威士忌。
- The trees outside the windows deprive the house of light. 窗外的树木把房子遮挡得暗然无光。
- A new house of any size is now almost invariably symmetrical. 现在新建的房子不管大小几乎都是对称的。
- The high building deprived their house of sunlight. 那楝高建筑物使他们的房子失去阳光。
- Many a woman sighs for a house of her own. 很多女人都渴望有自己的房子。
- The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 am. 下议院凌晨三时仍在开会。
- They have bought a house of generous dimensions. 他们买了一所宽敞的房屋。
- He is speaker of the House of Representatives. 他是众议院的议长。
- The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble. 宅邸中世纪王公、贵族的城堡或房宇
- A rectangular house of one story; a ranch house. 牧屋单层的长方形房屋; 牧屋
- I tried to build a house of cards but is soon toppled down. 我试着用纸牌搭房子,但搭起来的房子一下就散塌了。
- He did not have a house of his own until he was thirty. 直到三十岁,他才有属于自己的家。
- At last he got up and swallowed a stiff drink of bourbon like a pill. 最后,他爬了起来,把一杯烈性的威士忌象吞药丸那样喝了下去。