- How high are we now? 我们现在在多高的地方工作?
- How high are we flying? 我们能飞多高?
- How high are the mountains in western Newfoundland? 在西部纽芬兰山有多高?
- The Global Financial Crisis--Where are we Now? 全球金融风暴走远了吗?
- Where are we now, you might like to ask? 大家可能会问,香港现时的处境怎样?
- Are we now boarding on DL1131 to Durham/ Raleigh? 6(登机前确认)问这是去往罗利的DL1131航班么?
- Second,why are we now stressing that assessments must be balanced? 第二点,为什么我们这次要强调恰如其分?
- Second, why are we now stressing that assessments must be balanced? 第二点,为什么我们这次要强调恰如其分?
- PROF.: How high was the Challenger spacecraft when it exploded? 探索者号太空船爆炸点离地面多高?
- And I'm Happy Wang Yuanyuan. Han Jia, are we now in Tianjin Eco-Tech Development Area? 我是快乐的王渊源。韩佳,咱们现在是到天津开发区了吧?
- On such a full sea are we now afloat And we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us. 我们现在正在满潮的海上漂浮;倘不能顺水行舟;我们的事业就会一败涂地.
- As a woman in travail moans and writhes in pain, so are we now in your presence. 同样,上主!我们在你面前也是如此:
- All of this is bigger and better than ever as not only are we in widescreen but we now have our own studio too! 所有这一切都更大,更好比以往任何时候都不仅是我们的宽屏,但现在我们有我们自己的工作室呢!
- How high are the springboards? 跳板的高度是多少?
- How long are we going to stay cooped up in here? 我们要在这儿关多久?
- Talking of Debbie's party, how are we going to get there? 谈到戴比家的聚会,我们打算怎么去那儿?
- How High Should Bank Capital Requirements Be? 银行资本充足率应该为多高?
- We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- Are we going in the right direction? 我们走的方向对吗?
- We now keep in touch with him by writing letters. 我们现在靠写信与他保持联系。