- How will it be implemented? 如何执行?
- How will it be happened when IO port is set to output and internal PLL HIGH? 当Port7设定成输出且启动内部上拉电阻时,会发生什么情形?
- It may be so in theory, but how will it work in practice? 理论上也许是如此,但是在实际上怎样才能行得通呢?
- How will your solution be implemented? 您将如何实施解决方案?
- And how much will it be in Japanese currency? 换成日本币是多少?
- It may be so in theory,but how will it work in practice? 理论上也许是如此,但是在实际上怎样才能行得通呢?
- How will patients be treated and when will it start? 患者将怎样接受治疗,什么时候开始?
- How much will it be in Chinese currency? 兑换成中国的货币是多少?
- It is a crucial moment now.If a brewery is able to a endure longer,it will have a bright future,otherwise,how will it be? 啤酒行业的竞争已经到了一个关口,企业能活着挺过去,前途将一片光明,怎么样活着?
- We've got 500. Will it be enough for a deposit? 我们有500英镑了.;够不够作押金的?
- How much will it be in German currency? 换成德国货币是多少?
- How much will it be if I go over the rental period? 如果超过了租赁期,我得支付多少呢?
- You seem to be assisting the government but at the same time you have intensified extortions and abductions. How will it be supportive in creating an environment for talks? 你们表面上要帮助政府可同时又加紧勒索和拐骗。那怎么有助于创造和谈环境呢?
- How much will it be for one night? 一晚上要多少钱?
- Will it be convenient for you to come in the morning? 你上午来方便吗?
- How much will it be if I stay two more hours? 多待两小时需要多少钱?
- By the way, will it be convenient to see the room now? 顺便问一下,现在看看房间方便吗?
- How much will it be for two weeks? 两个星期要多少钱?
- How will it affect the telecommuting (VPN) community? 它会影响到虚拟专用网(VPN)吗?
- Mandy:How much longer will it be hot like this? 曼迪:像这样炎热的天气还要持续多久?