- How much work is there? 有多大的工作量?
- That depends on how much work is involved. 那要看涉及多少工作。
- On the streets of Harare, people ask how much a flight to London costs, what an average wage is there, what work is available. 在哈拉雷的街头巷尾,人们忙著探问到伦敦的机票要多少钱,那里平均工资又是多少,有什麽样的工作机会。
- Can you imagine how much work there is to be done? 你能想象这里有多少工作得做吗?
- How much red ink is there in the ink-pot? 墨水瓶里有多少红墨水?
- Well, yes, actually. Do you know what the course requirements are? I mean, how much work is expected for this course? 好。你知道课程需要什么?这个课程需要做些什么?
- The goals of scheduling are to know which work has been completed, how much work is still left to do, and when it will all be finished. 进度安排的目的是为了方便知道那些工作完成了?还有多少工作没做?以及何时可以完成?
- He is shamed by how much more work the others have do. 别人做得多得多,他感到很难为情。
- How much grape wine is there in the bottle? 瓶里有多少葡萄酒?
- How much work will there be done this afternoon? 今天下午有多少工作?
- Can you imaging how much work that is for our CEO? 可以想像那样对社长来讲是多大的工作量吗?
- She's always groaning on about how much work she has to do. 她总抱怨自己得干很多活儿。
- How much crime is there in Baltimore? 巴尔的摩的犯罪率有多高?
- How much money is there in my account? 我的账上还有多少钱?
- Too much work is no excuse for absence. 工作太忙不能成为缺席的理由。
- How Much Juvenile Crime Is There in California? 加州有多少青少年犯罪?
- Too much work is no excuse for not studying. 工作太忙不能成为不学习的理由。
- How much bread is there in the fridge? 冰箱里有多少面包?
- How much bread is there on the table? 桌子上有多少面包?
- How many work days are there in a week? 一周有几个工作日?