- Hu Feng event 文学流派
- Article criticizing the counter-revolutionary Hu Feng clique. 这是毛泽东同志为批判胡风反革命集团而写的一篇文章。
- And how about the counter-revolutionary forces represented by the Hu Feng elements? 而胡风分子所代表的反革命力量呢?
- Hu Feng elements are sure to "have a go" at it, and they are already calling him "comrade". 胡风分于是要来“试”一下的,他们已经称这人为“同志”了。
- After the Hu Feng case surfaced, it was necessary to ferret out the counter-revolutionaries. 在胡风问题出来以后,清查反革命是必要的。
- By "coercion" Hu Feng means our coercing those on the side of counter-revolution. 胡风所说的“强迫人”,是指强迫反革命方面的人。
- Thus Hu Feng and counter-revolutionaries of his kind find "uniformity of public opinion" inconvenient for them. 这就使胡风等类反革命分子感到“舆论一律”对于他们的不方便。
- In the 1930s, Hu Feng and Zhou Yang launched a literary controversy over the question of typicality. 20世纪30年代,胡风与周扬就典型问题展开了一场极有文学价值的论争。
- On the other hand, in the inmost recess of consciousness, Hu Feng resisted the Hegelian philosophy. 另一方面,在意识深处,胡风对黑格尔式的哲学方式是予以“反抗”的。
- Lu Kaqi and HU Feng were controversial in the field left-wing literary theory in the 1920s. 卢卡奇和胡风在20世纪左翼文艺理论界中长期处于争论的风口浪尖。
- This policy was advanced following the repudiation of the counter-revolutionary Hu Feng clique, and I think it remains correct because it accords with dialectics. 这个方针,是在批判了胡风反革命集团之后提出来的,我看还是对的,是合乎辩证法的。
- Now that the truth about Hu Feng and company has come to light, many phenomena can be satisfactorily explained and their activities stopped. 现在查出了胡风们的底子,许多现象就得到了合理的解释,他们的活动就可以制止了。
- In his letter Hu Feng raised three questions of principle, which we have deemed it necessary to repudiate at some length. 胡风在这封信里提出了三个原则性的问题,我们认为有加以详细驳斥的必要。
- We don't execute people like Hu Feng, Pan Han-nien, Jao Shu-shih, or even captured war criminals such as Emperor Pu Yi and Kang Tse. 胡风、潘汉年、饶漱石这样的人不杀,连被俘的战犯宣统皇帝、康泽这样的人也不杀。
- Hu Feng's Fiction Criticism had obvious perceptual features as a whole, which indicated his active imaginal thinking in literary criticism. 摘要胡风的小说批评就整体而言具有比较明显的感性特色,这说明胡风在从事文学批评时,其形象思维仍然保持一定的活跃性。
- Chang'an moustache is fed, Hu Fu " Hu Feng " flourishing the immediate result that is the central Shaanxi plain of many minority ingoing. 长安胡食、胡服等“胡风”的兴盛则是大量少数民族迁入关中的直接结果。
- Counter-revolutionaries and those with certain counter-revolutionary sentiments will find that the correspondence of the Hu Feng elements strikes a sympathetic chord. 反革命分子和有某些反革命情绪的人们,将从胡风分子的那些通信中得到共鸣。
- His theories and animadversions showed the "subjective combat spirit" of Hu Feng, and a contestation which enhanced the character and the force of July Style. 他的理论批评彰显了胡风的“主观战斗精神”,所引发的论争强化了七月派的声势和品格。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- According to the Hu Feng elements, the Chinese people's revolutionary forces led by the Communist Party are "doomed", and they are nothing but "the sere, the yellow leaf" and "a rotting corpse". 照胡风分子说来,共产党领导的中国人民革命力量是要“呜呼完蛋”的,这种力量不过是“枯黄的叶子”和“腐朽的尸体”。