- The spermatozoon of Hucho taimen consisted of a head, a midpiece and a tail. 哲罗鱼的精子由头部、中段和尾部组成。
- It is abundant with European river fish species which are not found in other part of China, such as pike(Esox lucius), tench (Tinca tinca), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and taimen (Hucho taimen) etc. 该河具有我国其它地区所没有的欧洲水系鱼类,如丁鱥、白斑狗鱼、河鲈、哲罗鱼等。
- Hucho taimen (pallas) 哲罗鱼
- Hucho taimen(pallas) 哲罗鱼
- Hucho taimen Pallas 哲罗鱼
- Genetic analysis for Hucho taimen in Wusuli River with microsatellites 微卫星DNA标记对乌苏里江哲罗鱼遗传多样性的分析
- Evaluation of Nutritive Quality and Analysis of the Nutritive Compositions of Wild and Cultivated Hucho taimen 野生、人工养殖哲罗鱼生化成分分析和营养品质评价
- Effects of soybean oil as replacement of fish oil in diet on growth performance and body composition of juvenile Hucho taimen 豆油代替鱼油对哲罗鱼稚鱼生长和体成分的影响
- Hucho taimen 哲罗鱼
- Or Pallas you or first among the Graces. 你或是雅典娜,或是众多格雷斯中第一人。
- Pallas' long-toungued bat flies through the air. 一只帕拉斯长舌蝙蝠在空气中飞行。
- The reminine of ancient Romans wore stola and palla. 古罗马女性主要穿着“斯多拉“和“帕拉”。
- There are about 13000 pallas pit viper ( Agkistrodon halys)in Snake Island. 前者为渤海上一个岛屿,目前有13000多条黑眉蝗蛇在岛上活动;
- Cyphogenia aurita(Pallas,1781) is newly recorded from West Xinjiang,China. 发现我国一新纪录种: 短脊砚甲S.;aurita (Pallas;1781)。
- Pallas is wisdom goddess, the name of Greek capital Athens from this and come. 在古希腊旺盛时侯制造的这具玩具小孩的原作现保存在希腊趼古博物馆。
- Pallas's wife and three children in the four-week also went to Singapore. 帕拉斯的妻子和三个孩子于本周四也前往新加坡。
- An important Greek festival of Pallas Athene, the Panathenaea was dated from the days of king Theseus. 一个庆祝雅典娜女神的希腊重要节日,泛雅典娜节,要追溯到特修斯国王时期。
- From sturgeon to taimen, giant freshwater fish are some of the most rare and vulnerable species on Earth. 从鲟鱼,以鱼,巨淡水鱼是一些最稀有和脆弱的物种在地球上。
- Kanas Lake in the growth of Hucho salmon, salmon microlepis Jiang cod, sturgeon Altai, Siberia oblique rare fish such as bream. 喀纳斯湖水中生长的有哲罗鲑、细鳞鲑、江鳕、阿尔泰鲟、西伯利亚斜鳊等珍稀鱼类。
- This latter alternative, which was first propounded by Pallas, seems by far the most probable. 后一种情况是巴拉斯最初提出的,似乎是最可能的。