- Human Resource Department is responsible for human resource management. 人力资源部负责人力资源的管理工作。
- The Human Resource Department says that four employees will be laid off. 人力资源部说有四个雇员将要被解雇。
- Figure 1.2 illustrates the different roles a human resource department or a human resource generalist might fill. 图1.;2展示了人力资源部门或人力资源专员可能起到的不同作用。
- Who do you think will be the likeliest candidate for the manager of human resource department? 你认为谁最可能是人力资源部经理?
- I don't think he will be the likeliest candidate for the manager of human resource department. 我认为他将不是人力资源部经理最可能的人选。
- It's the duty of the human resource department to recruit and transfer talented people. 铨选人才,合理调用是人事部门的职责。
- You mean Miss Tan in the Human Resources Department? 您是说人力资源部的谭小姐?
- Human Resources Department Siemens VDO Automotive Changchun Co. 长春西门子VDO自动化有限公司,人力资源部 。
- The scale developed in this article can be used to measure and improve the internal service quality of the human resource department. 利用该量表可以对人力资源部门所提供的内部服务进行诊断和改进,进而提高其管理水平。
- As mentioned previously, most medium-size and some large organizations use human resource generalists and do not have a human resource department. 如前所述,绝大多数中型组织和一些大型组织有人力资源专员,而没有人力资源部门。
- Human Resource Department is responsible for the establishment and retention of records related to education, experience, training and qualifications etc. 人力资源部建立和保存有关教育、经验、培训、资格的适当的记录.
- The output of this project is a tested and deliverables Personnel Application system that was tested and accepted by Big China Area Human Resource Department. 项目产品是经过大中华人力资源部人员编制组测试并接受的人员申请系统。
- Situation: Raymond will work in a company. His first challenge is to have an interview. The interviewer is the manager of the human resource department Jackie. 情景:雷蒙德是一个即将进入公司工作的新员工。到公司面试是他的第一关,面试官是人力资源部主管杰克。
- In order to deal with these difficult problems, BoCom’s human resource department and consultants at Watson Wyatt established a reform project working group. 惠悦顾问们的专业与投入不仅体现在制度的设计和规划上,他们在协助交行执行新制度时也受到寿梅生和他的同事们肯定。
- Human resources department is responsible for keeping the records of the internal quality audit. 人力资源部负责保管内部质量审核的记录。
- At 7 of Oct26, 2008, the seventh scheme minister teaching convention is convoked on time on the north campus of Hua Gong, which is hold by the Human Resource department of the Microsoft club. 10月26日晚七点,由微软俱乐部人力资源部主办的华工北校区微软第七届策划组长培训大会在310302准时召开。
- The human resources department is responsible for approving leave applications from staff. 人力资源部负责批准员工的休假申请。
- Co-ordinate with human resources department and Project manager on purchases related to workers safety. 协同人力资源部和项目经理购买有关员工安全方面的物品。
- A guy walked into the human resources department of a large company and handed the executive his application. 有个人走进一家大公司的人力资源部,向总管递上求职申请。
- STEP 1 : Check with your personnel / human resources department that an autopay instruction can be arranged with BEA. 第一步:向貴公司人事部/人力資源部查詢,可否安排以東亞銀行賬戶作自動轉賬支薪。