- "Our decision to join the Human Rights Council was not entered into lightly. “我们要加入人权理事会的决定并不是简单的加入。
- The team, which is led by South African judge Richard Goldstone, was appointed by the UN's Human Rights Council. 该小组由南非大法官理查德.;戈德斯通带领,受联合国人权委员会的指派。
- On February 9 and 11, during China's first UPR review under the UN Human Rights Council, a review report was approved unanimously upon consultation. 答:2月9日、11日,联合国人权理事会国别人权审查机制对中国进行首次审议,并协商一致通过了审议报告。
- In calling for this special cession session, that UN Human Rights Council argued that the global food crisis is a massive violation of human rights. 为召集此次会议,联合国人权理事会就“全国食物危机是违背人权的”主题展开争论。
- The U.N. Human Rights Council endured years of scathing criticism from the Bush administration. But those days are apparently over. 联合国人权理事会几年来都在受布什政府的苛责,而现在看来那些日子一去不复返了。
- During the United Nations Human Rights Council assessment on Morocco's rights record last month, Morocco was failing to undertake democratic reforms. 上个月,联合国人权会议对摩洛哥的人权记录进行评估,显示该国对于从事民主改革方面是失败的。
- At the risk of violating the new strictures from the UN human rights council on disrespecting religions, I may say that I doubt this myself. 前面说了,中国人的抗议被抹黑成民粹,甚至要和纳粹挂上钩,对南联盟“人体盾牌”的诋毁也是一样的令人叹为观止。
- The U.N. Human Rights Council has endorsed a report that accuses Israel and the Palestinians of war crimes during the Gaza conflict nearly a year ago. 联合国人权理事会正式通过一份指责以色列和巴勒斯坦大约一年前在加沙冲突中都犯下战争罪的报告。
- In a bid to redeem a body which sceptics had called irredeemable, it announced its intention to seek one of the 47 seats on the United Nations Human Rights Council. 为了挽回一个怀疑者认为已经无可救药的机构,奥巴马政府宣布了美国将在联合国人权理事会的47个席位中争取寻求一个席位的意图。
- Investigators appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council are starting a series of meeting in Geneva today ahead of mission to Israel and Gaza stripe. 在前往以色列和加沙地区完成任务之前,联合国人权理事会任命的调查员今天在日内瓦召开了系列会议。
- CONTRARY to the absurd claim of the rapporteur of the UN's Human Rights Council, to whom Israel refused entry this week, the Gaza Strip is not facing a Nazi-like “Holocaust” at Israel's hands. 联合国人权理事会的报告人宣称,加沙地带正面临一场由以色列主导的像纳粹一样的“大屠杀”,而他也在本周遭到了以色列的禁止入境。
- Hours earlier in Geneva, North Korean delegate Choi Myung-nam rebuked a South Korea envoy's call for the North to respect universal human rights at a United Nations Human Rights Council meeting. 几个小时以前,北韩代表崔明南在日内瓦就韩国大使在联合国**理事会的一个会议上呼吁北韩尊重普世**予以驳斥。
- Our vision is not merely made in America, but rather reflects the aspirations embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the mandate of the Human Rights Council itself," Brimmer said. 不只是美国希望有这种前景,而且世界人权宣言和人权理事会本身也反映了这种希望。”布里默说。
- China takes an active part in the work of the United Nations Human Rights Council(HRC), and helps that body to solve human rights problems in a fair, objective and non-alternative way. 深入参与联合国人权理事会工作,推动理事会以公正、客观和非选择方式处理人权问题。
- His protests on human rights sound hollow. 他就人权问题提出的抗议听来很空洞。
- This is a flagrant violation of human rights. 这是对人权的公然侵犯。
- The speaker made an eloquent appeal for human rights. 该发言人就人权问题发出了强有力的呼吁。
- We all must stand up for democracy and human rights. 我们都必须支持民主,维护民权。
- The issue of human rights is widely agitated. 人权问题引起广泛而激烈的辩论。
- The new law provides for equality of human rights. 新法律规定人权平等。