- Hybrid Genetic Mgorithm 混合遗传算法
- This paper describes simplex hybrid genetic algorithm called SM-HGA+. 摘要 构造了单纯形混合遗传算法SM-HGA+。
- Preliminary Study of a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm/ Expert System for Modeling Complex Radar Signatures; Final rept. 关于使用遗传算法/专家系统的混合方法对复杂的雷达信号特征进行建模的初步研究/最终报告
- By combining MSB with GA, HGA (hybrid genetic algorithm) is described with elitist strategy. 由于MSB 所得解的质量较高,而GA 算法的精英策略保证HGA 所得解的质量不低于MSB 算法所得解的质量。
- A hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) is presented for an active noise control (ANC) method with a lattice IIR filter. 摘要提出了一种基于混合遗传算法的格型IIR滤波器结构的有源噪声控制方法。
- A hybrid genetic algorithm(HGA) was put forward,which combined the advantages of quasi-Newton method and genetic algorithm(GA). 该混合算法充分发挥了拟牛顿法的局部搜索、收敛速度快和遗传算法的群体搜索、全局收敛的优点。
- To verify the improved DPSO algorithm, comparisons with the existing DPSO algorithm and a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) are made. 为了验证该演算法,本论文比较上述的DPSO演算法及一个混合基因演算法。
- In order to improve the accuracy of fractional order differentiator, a hybrid genetic algorithm was applied to design fractional order differentiator. 摘要为了进一步提高分数阶微分器的精度,将遗传算法引入到滤波设计中,获得了性能更加优越的分数阶微分器。
- Compared with the hybrid genetic algorithm, the presented algorithm has the advantages of coding simply, converging quickly and realizing easily. 这种算法和混合遗传算法相比,有编码简单、收敛快及实现容易等优点。
- Combining genetic algorithm with LMS,a hybrid genetic algorithm(GA_LMS)for satellite adaptive nulling antenna beam space was proposed. 将遗传算法与LMS算法结合构成一种混合遗传算法,并将其用于卫星自适应调零天线的波束空间调零处理。
- On this basis, a Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) model was set up.Then a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA) was proposed to solve the model. 在此基础上建立了一个海合整数非线性规划模型,然后应用混合遗传算法求解模型。
- The hybrid genetic algorithm features less infeasible solution, higher convergence speed and can avoid premature convergence. 该算法能够有效地减少不可行解的产生,提高收敛速度,避免早熟收敛。
- The hybrid genetic algorithm combined with Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm was established to estimate root water uptake model parameters. 摘 要: 构建了遗传算法与Levenberg-Marquardt算法相结合的混合遗传算法,用于求解根系吸水模型参数。
- This paper proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the operation of pulverizing system in admixing combustion conditions. 摘要提出一种混合遗传算法对电站多煤种掺烧制粉系统的运行进行寻优。
- A improved hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) is proposed to overcome premature convergence and increase the optimize pace of SGA . 3.;为克服简单遗传算法容易早熟和收敛速度慢的缺陷;在简单遗传算法基础上提出一种改进的混合遗传算法。
- It presents a new hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to solve the tasks scheduling problem in parallel multiprocessor systems. 针对并行多处理器系统的任务调度问题;提出一个新的混合遗传算法(HGA).
- Abstract: It presents a new hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to solve the tasks scheduling problem in parallel multiprocessor systems. 摘 要: 针对并行多处理器系统的任务调度问题;提出一个新的混合遗传算法(HGA).
- According to the characters of MEMS structure, some improvements of GAs are discussed and a varying population hybrid Genetic Algorithms (VPSG_GM) is presented. 文中根据毫米波微机械系统的特点,讨论了遗传算法的一些改进,提出一种有效的具有变种群规模、并与爬山法相结合的混合遗传算法(VPSG_GM)。
- The inverse problem of MT for 1-D was studied by using a real coded hybrid genetic algorithm, which was based on the combination of simplex method and genetic algorithm. 摘要设计了一种求解一维大地电磁测深反演问题的实数编码混合遗传算法,它是通过单纯形搜索与遗传算法结合而成。
- Experiment for text-independent speaker identification shows that this method can obtain more optimum VQ parameters and better results than the LBG and hybrid genetic algorithm. 说话人识别实验表明,与传统LBG和基于混合遗传算法的VQ码本设计方法相比,该方法可以得到更优的模型参数,使得系统的识别率进一步提高。