- Save the clip in Graphics Interchange Format (. Gif). 将此剪贴画保存为图形交换格式(.;gif)。
- Specifies the Windows Data Interchange Format (DIF) data format. 指定Windows数据交换格式(DIF)数据格式。
- Must support ISO/IEC JPEG together with JFIF(JPEG File Interchange Format). 也就是以前没有支持JPEG关联图像格式的厂商这次郁闷了,还是要加上的说。
- Represents an image in Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) graphic format. 表示图形交换格式(GIF)图形格式的图像。
- The filter does not support JPEG Tagged Interchange Format (JTIF) files. 此过滤器不支持“JPEG标记交换格式”(JTIF)文件。
- The most widely used format on the Internet is Compuserve's GIF(Graphics Interchange Format). Internet上应用最多的图形格式是Compuserve的GIF(图形交换格式)。
- The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is used to represent LDAP entries in a simple text format. LDAP数据交换格式(LDIF)使用纯文本格式表示LDAP条目。
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) (GIF file: A compressed graphics file format that Web browsers can display as inline graphics. 图形交换格式(GIF)(GIF文件:一种Web浏览器可以将其显示为内嵌图形的压缩的图形文件格式。
- The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) graphics filter (Jpegim32. Flt) supports Version 6.0 Of the JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF). “联合图像专家组”(JPEG)图形过滤器(Jpegim32.;flt)支持JPEG文件交换格式(JFIF)6
- The general data interchange format PQDIF(Power Quality Data Interchange Format) is adopted,which makes multi source data better compat... 系统采用PQDIF通用数据交换格式,使多数据源有良好的兼容性,实现了数据共享。
- You can then save the data to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file, which can then be imported into Active Directory. 可以将该数据保存到轻型目录访问协议(LDAP)数据交换格式(LDIF)文件中,然后,可以将该文件导入Active Directory。
- The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) filter (Gifimp32. Flt) supports file format versions GIF87a (including interlacing) and GIF89a (including interlacing and transparency). “图形交换格式”(GIF)过滤器(Gifimp32.;flt)支持文件格式版本GIF87a(包括隔行扫描)和GIF89a(包括隔行扫描和透明)。
- When you modify a Graphics Interchange Format (. Gif) (GIF: A graphics file format (. Gif extension in Windows) used to display indexed-color graphics on the World Wide Web. 当修改图形交换格式(.;gif)(GIF:一种图形文件格式(Windows中的
- This paper presents Power Quality Data Interchange Format(PQDIF) that is a universal power quality data interchange format and is established by IEEE 1159. 主要介绍电能质量数据转换格式PQDIF,它是IEEE 1159新规定的一种通用电能质量数据转换格式。
- Method. Because XML is a standard interchange format for data between different applications, this means that you can load a dataset with XML-formatted information sent by other applications. 因为XML是不同应用程序之间的标准数据交换格式,这意味着可以加载其他应用程序发送的包含XML格式信息的数据集。
- In this thesis, we will design a music search architecture comprising diverse input and search modes, improved melodic description, and powerful music interchange format to fulfill this goal. 在本论文中,我们将会设计一套完整的音乐搜寻架构,其包含了多样化的输入与搜寻模式、改良式的旋律索引,以及强而有力的音乐交换格式以实现此目标。
- A steganalytic algorithm was proposed based on color complexity of sub-blocks in images to effectively detect stego-images using graphics interchange format (GIF) images as covers. 摘要为实现对以GIF图像为载体的隐藏图像的高效检测,提出了基于图像子块颜色复杂度的隐写分析算法。
- Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) are the only implemented image formats that support multiple frames. 标记图像文件格式(TIFF)and图形交换格式(GIF)are the only implemented image formats that support multiple frames。
- Rather than using costly and restrictive electronic data interchange formats on value-added networks, companies can set up extranets for an open dialogue between customers and suppliers over the Net. 各公司可以在因特网上为客户和供应商之间建起用于开放对话的内扩网,而不是在增值网上使用既费钱又受限制的电子数据交换格式。
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。