- I will go bail for that. 我愿为那件事做保证。
- I will go bail for that 我愿为那件事做保证。
- I will go, provided that you go too. 你也去的话我就去。
- I'll go bail for that. 我可以担保那是确实的。
- I shall have to put you in prison until your case can be heard, unless you can find anyone to go bail for you. 我得把你送进监狱直到你的案子进行审理,除非你可以找个人保释你。
- I can only say that I will go for RX. ,很喜欢RX给我的整体感觉,不过, 我想提供一个经验, 请小心使用它;
- I will go providing that my expenses are paid. 要是我的费用有人代付我就去。
- I will go to visit my grandmother next week. 下星期我要去看我的外婆。
- I will go to fetch it in person. 我将亲自去取它。
- You won't distract me! I will not fall for that. 我不会分心的,让我上当没那么容易。
- I will start cramming for that test next week. 下个礼拜我将开始为那个测验临时抱佛脚。
- I will go to the Olympic Skate Palace for skating. 我要到奥林匹克冰宫溜冰。
- I will wait so patiently for that day to come. 我会一直耐心的等待。只为这一天的来临。
- I purpose that next year I will go to Hong Kong . 我意欲明年去香港。
- I will go to see the film if I get the opportunity. 如果有机会,我将去看那部电影。
- It may snow, but anyhow I will go to town. 可能下雪,但我无论如何要进城。
- I will go with him -- I have no choice. 我将跟他走--我没有选择余地。
- I will go and ask Friar Laurence for his help. 我要去找劳伦斯修士帮忙,
- I will go abroad on condition that my husband goes with me. 如果我丈夫能和我一起去,我就出国。
- I will go out for picnic this Saturday. 这个星期六去野餐。