- Ichikawa Emon 市川卫门(1922-),日本人,外交官。
- Since many threats can now be sent through email, there is the EMON module. 由于许多威胁;现在可通过发送电子邮件;但有一点是emon模块.
- It contained 192 pages of photographs with Ichikawa in bikinis and also had a bonus DVD. 其中包括192张由衣的比基尼照片还附带一张DVD。
- We want to finish the beer by November. It will be the first space beer, Sapporo executive Junichi Ichikawa told reporters. 札幌控股的主管渡边川昆在接受记者采访时说:“我们希望在11月份酿出成品。这将成为人类历史上的首款‘太空啤酒’。”
- Born as the son of Koshiro Matsumoto, himself a well-known Kabuki-movie actor, Somegoro Ichikawa is the crown prince of a main stream clan among Kabuki families. 生为著名的歌舞伎出身的电影演员松本幸四郎的儿子,市川染五郎是歌舞伎世家中的名门的王子。
- They performed a famous episode of Kunqu opera "The Peony Pavilion".Jun Zhang(Kunqu actor) as Liu Mengmei, Emiya Ichikawa(Kabuki female impersonator) as Du Liniang. 昆剧演员张军和歌舞伎演员市川笑也合演了古典...
- Tomoaki Ichikawa,Hironobu Sou,Tsutomu Araki.Ductpenetrating sign at MRCP:usefulness for differentiating inflammatory pancreatic mass form pancreatic carcinomas[J].Radiology 2001,221:107116. 曾荣苏,严福华,周康荣,等.磁共振动态增强和脂肪抑制技术在胰腺癌诊断中的价值[J].;临床放射学杂志,2000,19(11):703706
- Ichikawa K, Takeuchi Y, Yonezawa S , et al. Antiangiogenic photodynamic therapy( PDT ) using Visudyne causes effective suppression of tumor growth [ J ] . Cancer Lett ,2004 ,205 (1) :39248. 章申峰;龚兴国.;光动力疗法对肿瘤的作用机制及其影响因素[J]
- Hiroki Nambua, Mizuhiko Ichikawa, , a, Torbj?rn Gustafssonb and Ivar Olovssonb a Division of Phy 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Yoshitaka A,Ichikawa T. A survey on content-based retrieval for multimedia databases[J].IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 1999,11(1):81-93 胡飞董德存.;基于面向对象方法的医学图象信息检索技术[J]
- Emonn. 埃蒙
- Kombaru Sōemon 金春惣右卫门(1924-),日本人,能乐师。
- Akazome Emon 赤染卫门(?-)
- Tarōemon 太郎右卫门(名,日本)
- Chōemon 长右卫门(名,日本)
- Chūemon 忠右卫门(名,日本)
- Gorōemon 五郎右卫门(名,日本)
- Hachirōemon 八郎右卫门(名,日本)
- Jōemon 丈右卫门