- Ichikawa Takeshi 市川武(1924-),日本人,官员。
- Japanese favourites such as sushi appear on the palace menu, said Takeshi. 据Takeshi所说,很多日本人喜爱的食品例如寿司已经出现在丹麦的宫廷菜单上。
- Many of Takeshi's fans like to copy his haircut, clothes and even his smile. 金城武的追星族们争相模仿他的发型、服装甚至于他的笑容。
- Journalist 4: Takeshi Kaneshiro , are you happy to be together again? 4记者:金城武先生,你们今天几兄弟又聚在一起,会不会觉得很兴奋?
- Takeshi Kitano, a famous Japanese film director, actor, TV presenter. 北野武,日本著名电影导演、演员、电视节目主持人。
- Beat Takeshi lives the busy and sometimes surreal life of a showbiz celebrity. 北野武在片中一人分饰两角,一个是自己本身,另一个则是以成为演员为目标的白领。
- As a famous Japanese director, Takeshi Kitano is well known in the world. 摘要作为日本著名导演,北野武在世界范围内广受关注。
- Beat Takeshi plays a middle-aged yakuza gangster who is considering retirement. 村川人到中年,正打算金盘洗手退出黑道。
- It contained 192 pages of photographs with Ichikawa in bikinis and also had a bonus DVD. 其中包括192张由衣的比基尼照片还附带一张DVD。
- We want to finish the beer by November. It will be the first space beer, Sapporo executive Junichi Ichikawa told reporters. 札幌控股的主管渡边川昆在接受记者采访时说:“我们希望在11月份酿出成品。这将成为人类历史上的首款‘太空啤酒’。”
- Japanese favourites such as sushi appear on the palace menu in Danmark,said Takeshi. 据金城武所说,很多日本人喜爱的食品例如寿司已经出现在丹麦的宫廷菜单上。
- Denmark's royal family perhaps has a more modern view of cooking traditions - it enjoys food cooked by a Japanese chef called Mr. Takeshi. 相比之下,丹麦皇家对于烹饪的看法也许更现代些--他们对Takeshi,一位日本厨师的手艺情有独钟。
- Takeshi stars as John, a lonely violin player who falls in love with a translator called Eve, played by Gigi Leung. 在影片中,金城武饰演一个爱上翻译Eve(梁咏琪扮演)的小提琴手,john。
- Born as the son of Koshiro Matsumoto, himself a well-known Kabuki-movie actor, Somegoro Ichikawa is the crown prince of a main stream clan among Kabuki families. 生为著名的歌舞伎出身的电影演员松本幸四郎的儿子,市川染五郎是歌舞伎世家中的名门的王子。
- For someone who only took up acting because he wanted to buy a motorbike, Takeshi has come far. 金城武最初从影时只指望靠它买一辆摩托,但他的事业却发展得一帆风顺。
- They performed a famous episode of Kunqu opera "The Peony Pavilion".Jun Zhang(Kunqu actor) as Liu Mengmei, Emiya Ichikawa(Kabuki female impersonator) as Du Liniang. 昆剧演员张军和歌舞伎演员市川笑也合演了古典...
- Takeshi Watanabe, a counselor with the Tokyo Mental Health Academy, and Yasutaka Masuko, 28, seem like brothers. 渡边武是东京精神健康研究院的顾问,他与28岁的康隆雅子看上去象是兄弟一般。
- Yesteday I listened other two lectures in the nanoforum about buckyball by Takeshi Akasaka and Shigeru Nagase. 还有一些文献看起来都非常的相似。然后我可以很容易的把这些文献分成若干类,分别看各自的优点和缺点。
- In the elevator is a dark-haired and rather surly girl named Tsugumi who harshly scolds Takeshi for being an annoyance. 在电梯里,是个黑发不友善,名为月海的女孩。她刺耳地责骂武是个讨厌的傢伙。
- Jessica: Takeshi Kaneshro is borrowing our office as the venue for his new MV. He'll be here in 30 minutes. 金城武要借用我们办公室当他新MV的拍摄场地;30分内他就会来了.