- The ideology basis of cooperation between CPC and GMD in the anti-Japanese war was Mr. 抗战时期国共合作的思想理论基础是三民主义。
- Jiang Zeming's concept of science development is mainly about ideology basis, motivity, vitality, intermal demand, necessary conditions, aim, juncture, the mass basis and political security of science development. 江泽民的科技发展观主要围绕科技发展的思想基础、力、命力、在要求、要条件、的、键、众基础、治保证等方面展开。
- Mr Blair said that he was determined that the “evil, bankrupt ideology based on the perversion of Islam” espoused by the terrorists would be overcome. 布莱尔说,他坚信,这种被恐怖份子支持的建立在歪曲了的依斯兰教上的邪恶,终将被战胜。
- Seeking truth from facts is the basis of the proletarian world outlook as well as the ideological basis of Marxism. 实事求是,是无产阶级世界观的基础,是马克思主义的思想基石。
- The construction of an economizing government in China has a cultural and ideological basis of long history. 摘要我国节约型政府的构建有着绵延的文化思想根基。
- The ideological basis of merging "go Out of the secularity" and "go into the secularity" consists in the philosophy of traditional Taoism. 这种圆融“出世”与“入世”的学说之思想基础,乃存在于传统的道教哲学之中。
- Liu's idea broke the debate of "Object" and "Application" in westernization movement, and became his ideological basis in the reform of Qing Dynasty. 刘光第的西学思想突破了洋务派的“体”“用”之争,是他参与维新变法的重要思想基础。
- It takes "benevolence" as its ideological basis and gets shown perfectly in every respect covering ideological culture, social life and political ruling. 它以“仁”学作为思想基础,在思想文化、社会生活和政治统治各个层面得以充分体现。
- Abstract: Religious culture was the ideological basis of Zheng He's voyage and the cultural essence of his great contribution to the cause of navigation. 提要:宗教文化是郑和下西洋的思想基础和航海事业取得伟大历史功绩的文化内核。
- The ideology of the political left. 左派,左翼政治左派的意识形态、观点
- His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology. 他的所有制观点源自共产主义思想。
- Although environmental ethics has its own ideal and ideological base in western world, there are still some essential problems in its theoretical and logic argumentation. 其理论论证的逻辑起点可分从自然出发和从人的规定出发两大类型,在西方有其思想和观念基础,但从理论和逻辑论证来看,还存在根本性的问题。
- Respecting lives is the ideological base of treating animals with kindness and not maltreating animals while not maltreating animals is the least requirement of respecting lives. 尊重生命是善待动物、不虐待动物的思想基础,不虐待动物是尊重生命的起码要求。
- Problems were solved on an ad hoc basis. 做了一些变通问题便解决了。
- The spreading of Shamanism in Huihe lasted for a long time, its field was very extensive, its influence was very great. It took pantheism as its ideological basis, the contents included natural worship, totem worship, and ancestor worship etc. 萨满教在回鹘中流播时间长、范围广、影响大,以万物有灵论为思想基础,内容包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜等方面。
- Change of Management Ideology Based on Culture 基于文化的管理思想变革
- Can you sell for us on a commission basis? 你能拿佣金替我们销售吗?
- His research formed the basis of his new book. 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。
- the ideology based on the economy 经济意识形态
- The project was launched on a crash basis. 此计划作为最优先项目而付诸实施。