- Idleness spoils an affair 懈惰误事
- An unsuitable plan spoils an affair 左计误事
- A night prowler spoils an affair 宵小误事
- Did you know he was having an affair? 你知道他有外遇了吗??
- She is having an affair with her Japanese teacher on the sly. 她和她的日文老师偷偷有了恋情。
- It's an open secret that he's having an affair with his secretary. 他跟秘书的恋情是一个公开的秘密。
- They had an affair once, but that's ancient history now. 他们曾经有过一段暧昧关系,但现在那已成为遥远的过去了。
- Her poor delivery spoilt an otherwise good speech. 她的演讲在各方面都很好,却因表达技巧差而功亏一篑。
- They were having an affair under my very nose, and I didn't even realize! 他们就在我眼皮底下勾搭上了,而我竟没看出来!
- This latter curtain was quite an affair. 后面这重幕可真漂亮。
- It is an affair of the first magnitude. 这是头等重要的事情。
- There's a rumour going round that Sue and David are having an affair. 有谣传称休和戴维关系暧昧。
- Did you know he was having an affair on his wife? 你知道他有外遇了吗?
- Right now she's having an affair with her manager. 女传闻她和她的经纪人有染。
- Negligence spoils an affair 怠忽误事
- She is having an affair with her boss. 她跟老板有暧昧关系。
- Be promiscuous; carry on an affair with sb. 任意乱做。
- It was all an affair of education. 这完全是一件训练的事。
- I've heard he had an affair with some girl again. 我听说他跟某个女孩有段恋情。
- He divorced his wife because she had an affair. 他和妻子离婚了,因为她和他的老板私通。