- If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I? 如果快乐的小蓝鸟们能够飞翔在彩虹之外。为什么,哦,为什么我不可以呢?
- If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why, can't I? 为什么青鸟去飞就能飞越彩虹,而我不能,为什么我不能,为什么,为什么。。。。。
- If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, oh, why can't I? 如果飞鸟能在彩虹上飞为什麽.;为什麽我不能呢?
- If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can\'t I? 如果没有胆小无能的咸丰帝。圆明园或许不会被烧呢。。唉。。。。。
- Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why, can't I? 彩虹”代表着爱情。黑色的舞台一点灯光映出歌手的脸,歌词从黑暗中飞出来,弥漫在整个大厅,可能出现彩虹,也许吧。
- If happy little bluebirds fly, beyond the rainbow 如果幸福的鸟儿能飞翔,飞过那彩虹
- If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow why oh why 鸟儿快乐翱翔彩虹之上,为什么,
- If happy little bluebirds fly 如果快乐的小青鸟儿
- Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds flybirds fly over the rainbowwhy then, oh why can't i? If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow 小蓝鸟儿快乐地飞翔在彩虹之上
- Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly. 彩虹之上的某个地方,青鸟悠然飞翔。
- The little bluebird saw many birds here and she was happy again. 这只小蓝鸟看到很多鸟在这里,她又高兴起来了。
- In that case, the Bluebird fly away, go find a new habitat, the place of it? 那么,飞走的青鸟,会去寻找新的栖息、寄托之所吗?
- Mary can always disarm us with one of her happy little smiles. 玛丽总能以她一个赏心的小微笑赢得我们的好感。
- If happy approaches in the right way, to is left? Or to is right? 如果幸福有方向,向左?还是向右?
- Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, oh why can't I? 彩虹彼端青鸟飞舞翩翩鸟儿既能跨越彩虹为何我却不能如愿?
- Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly, and the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can't I? 蓝鸟飞翔,在彩虹之上,你敢做的梦,为什么,为什么我就不能做呢?
- I'm always like a happy little birdy just to be close to you. 只要有你在,我就像一只快乐的小鸟。
- The bluebirds flew from the fence, gathering around the birdseed. 蓝鸟飞离围栏,围在在了鸟食周围。
- "Ithought Icould,Ithought Icould,"chugged the happy little train. 这个快乐的小火车继续往前去。
- Arras and Douai envied the happy little town of M. sur M. its mayor. 阿拉斯和杜埃都羡慕滨海蒙特勒伊有这样一位市长,说这是个幸运的小城。