- This operator does not exist in C or C++. 这一运算符是C或C++没有的。
- Eccentric Fox-Trot in C for Bassoon Quartet. 亨利:C大调古怪的狐步舞曲(为大管四重奏).
- Fantasia in C Major for bassoon and piano. 布札:大管独奏-幻想曲(钢琴伴奏版).
- Sonata in C Major for Bassoon and Piano. 辛德米特:C大调大管奏鸣曲(钢琴伴奏版).
- In C and C++,casting can cause some headaches. 在C和C++中,造型有时会让人头痛。
- Cause Analysis and Control of Cracks in C. 火电工程中电缆隧道裂缝原因分析及控制。
- Government of National Reconciliation in C? 科特迪瓦民族和解政府;
- Flute and harp concerto in C, K. 长笛与竖琴协奏曲。
- Britten: Sonata for Cello and Piano in C, Op. 布里顿:大提琴钢琴奏鸣曲。
- In C and C++, casting can cause some headaches. 在C和C++中,造型有时会让人头痛。
- Overexpression of AK fbr gene in C. AKfbr基因在C.
- Games Written in C: Lots and lots. 用C语言编写的游戏:非常非常多。
- Writing programs in C is like a mental exercise. 用C编程就像进行智力体操。
- Tutorial on exception handling in C#. 演示了在C%23中处理异常。
- Implementing API in C# is tuff job for beginners. 中API的工具对初学者是相当不错的。
- That was the concerto in C minor by Vivaldi. 刚刚播送的是维瓦尔迪作曲的C小调协奏曲。
- Coroutines have a different syntax in C#. 使用C%23实现协同,在语法上会有一处不同。
- String Quartet No. 14 in C sharp minor, Op. 弦乐四重奏第14号在C夏普轻微,作品。
- Concerto in C for Bassoon and Piano. 托玛兹:C大调大管协奏曲(钢琴伴奏版).
- Trio for violin, viola &cello in C minor, Op. 三重奏为小提琴,中提琴与大提琴在C小调,作品。