- The most crisis mines are located in these mineral sectio... 就此问题,文中提出一些看法。
- We provide help to families in crisis situations. 我们对处于困境的家庭提供帮助。
- Ralph, come on! I am in crisis mode here! 拜托!我现在是危机模式!
- Finance in crisis can not resolved easily. 金融危机不易解决。
- Wavelet Multi-Scale Decomposition of Magnetic Anomaly and Its Application in Searching for Deep-Buried Minerals in Crisis Mines: A Case Study from Daye Iron Mines 磁异常小波多尺度分解及危机矿山的深部找矿:以大冶铁矿为例
- You adapt in crisis and manage to come through with a solution. 您在危机中调整并设法找出一种解决方案。
- Water resources overabundance or shortage will result in crisis. 水资源的过多或过少都会导致危机。
- Bickford:Ralph, come on!! I am in crisis mode here! 拜托!我现在是危机模式!!
- The resources crisis mines are defined as those which be faced with producible reserves exhausted and on the brink of bankruptcy. 危机矿山是指在矿区范围内可供开采的保有储量濒临枯竭、后备资源严重不足、面临闭坑或破产的矿山。
- Some significant progress in mineralization theories and techniques related to the continued resources exploration in the depth and the periphery of the crisis mines has briefly been discussed. 摘要简要叙述了与危机矿山接替资源深部和外围找矿有关的部分成矿理论和找矿方法技术研究进展。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The health of local people is in crisis because of canal pollution. 渠水的污染给当地居民带来了健康危机。
- The comprehensive information system for mineral resources prediction is a quantitive prediction aptitude GIS of large scale mineral resources targets,which is suitable for the crisis mines. 综合信息矿产预测系统是一个可用于大比例尺矿产靶区定量预测的智能化地理信息系统,因而应用在危机矿山上更有实效。
- East Mine(Dongkuang), Bayan Obo ore field has been a low-grade crisis mine in iron ores, it is an urgent task to prospect new resouces for the East Mine. 白云鄂博东矿(铁矿石)已属于轻度危机矿山,解决白云鄂博东矿的资源接续问题已迫在眉睫。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession. 这家公司虽然仍处于危机之中,但已经挺过了经济衰退最严重的日子。
- Kan SHI, A Research on Socio-Psychological Presentiment System in Crisis Event. 时勘,危机突发事件的社会心理预警研究。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。
- Criteria for Special Budget of Crisis Mines 危机矿山专项预算标准探讨
- In our country, an obstructed internal and external information communication exists in crisis torrent section. 在我国,危机治理部门内部、外部信息沟通不通畅。