- Incarvillea altissiman. 高波罗花
- The altissima trinmph is smile on the zenith of destiny. 唯一所祈求的胜利,仅是站在命运的巅峰,微笑。
- A new species of Incarvillea (Bignoniaceae) from Sichuan. 四川角蒿属(紫葳科)一新种.
- Run: Sophora japonica, Ailanthus altissima, pomegranates, cherry, persimmon, and other greening seedlings. 兼营:国槐、臭椿、石榴、樱花、柿子、等各种绿化苗木。
- Results: The five species of Tougucao, especially Speranskia tuberculata and Incarvillea sinensis have very low toxicity. 结果:5种透骨草的毒性均很小,其中地构叶和角蒿的毒性最小。
- The host choice action of Anoplophora glabripennis was studied in different analog mixed forest of Ailanthus altissima and Populus bolleana. 摘要利用3年生臭椿、新疆杨在室内建立混交林进行光肩星天牛成虫放飞试验。
- Resistance of Ailanthus altissima to Anoplophora glabripennis was not remarkable, its mixing with poplar should take forms of interrow or in patch. 臭椿是抗天牛树种,但是对天牛的驱避作用不明显,与杨树混交时应采取团状或行间混交。
- The Method used to separate anti-tumor activity matter from bark of Ailanthus altissima Swingle was studied in this paper. 研究了臭椿皮中抗癌活性物的快速提取分离方法。
- The sequence of pollution tolerance ability can be ranked as: Poplar tomentosa, Buxus microphylla, Ailanthus altissima, Sorphora japonica, Sabina chinensis. 5种树种的抗污染能力为:杨树>小叶黄杨>椿树>国槐>圆柏。
- Ficus laco and Ficus altissima are the key species of green trees in Xiamen City by the survey results of 131 roads and streets with the important values of above 6%. 对城区131条道路绿化的调查表明, 大叶榕和高山榕为骨干绿化树种, 重要值均在6%25以上。
- Incarvillea Juss. [医] 角蒿属
- Incarvillea sinensis Lam. 透骨草
- Speranskia tuberculata should be named as the botanical origin of Tougucao, and Incarvillea sinensis, Impatiens balsamina and Clematis intricata should be used in their respective names. 地构叶应作为透骨草的基源品种,角蒿、凤仙花和黄花铁线莲等应分别以各自的名称入药使用。
- Conclusion: Speranskia tuberculata should be named as the botanical origin of Tougucao, and Incarvillea sinensis, Impatiens balsamina and Clematis intricata should be used in their respective names. 结论:地构叶应作为透骨草的基源品种,角蒿、凤仙花和黄花铁线莲等应分别以各自的名称入药使用。
- Ficus altissima BI. 高山榕
- Ailanthus altissima swingle. 臭椿
- Effects of extracting solution from Hemarthria altissima,Ageratum conyzoides and Zoysia matrella on seed germination and seedling growth of Cajanus cajan(cultivar No.3,No.4)and Merremia hederaceawere studied through germination tests. 用牛鞭草,胜红蓟和沟叶结缕草3种植物提取液处理鱼黄草和木豆品种3号、4号种子,测定种子发芽率、苗高、根长和苗鲜重。
- The results showed that the extracting solution from Hemarthria altissima dropped the seed germination rates of Cajanus cajan(cultivar No.3,No.4)and Merremia hederacea and inhibited seedlings growth in general. 结果表明,牛鞭草提取液总体上对鱼黄草、木豆3号和4号产生了抑制种子发芽和幼苗生长的作用;
- In the community, the species of Dalbergia hupeana was dominant, and the percengtage of its important value amounted to 192.4362, Celtis biondii, Acer buergerianum, Lindera glauca, Pinus massoniana and Ailanthus altissima were main concomitant species . 群落物种组成以黄檀为绝对优势种,重要值达192.;4362,紫弹朴(Celtis biondii)、三角枫(Acer buergerianum)、山胡椒(Lindera glauca)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)为主要伴生树种。