- Effect of ozone and potassium sorbate in storage of Indian jujube fruit 臭氧和山梨酸钾对台湾青枣贮藏研究
- Indian Jujube fruit 青枣
- Indian jujube fruits 青枣
- The potato dextrose liquor and indian jujube leaf liquor could promote conidia germination obviously. 马铃薯葡萄糖液和枣叶汁可显著促进分生孢子萌发。
- In this research, the cooling process of carrot, radish, potato, Indian jujube, night-blooming gereus, guava, and wax-apple was studied. 本研究以红萝卜、白萝卜、马铃薯、印度枣、红龙果、番石榴及莲雾为实验材料,进行蔬果冷却程序之研究。
- The treatment with Sportak could reduce decay on the jujube fruit of the three variety. 施保克可以有效防止贮藏中金丝小枣、梨枣、冬枣果实表面腐烂生霉。
- Biological control is a promising approach to reduce the storage diseases of jujube fruit. 生物防治是控制枣果采后病害的研究新方向。
- Since the non-carpel disk was also involved in the development of fruit,the au thor supports the idea that jujube fruit may not be a real stone fruit. 由于枣果有花盘参加发育,作者认为不是一种真正的核果,似可称之为“拟核果”。
- Dongzao jujube fruit was a typical fresh fruit, the affluent in nutrition and crisp high quality were welcome to everyboby. 冬枣是典型的鲜食品种,其丰富的营养价值和酥脆可口的鲜食品质在市场上很受欢迎。
- Before harvest sprays andpost-harvest dips of calcium chloride can be used to increase the calcium content of jujube fruit, but the fruit browning could notbe controlled. 结果表明,采前喷钙和采后浸钙可显著提高果实的钙含量,但在防止枣果褐变上效果不明显。
- Dongzao jujube fruit couldbe three days shelf life at normal temperature by polythene packing and CO2 absorbent after 85 days stored in controlledatmosphere storage. 冬枣在气调贮藏85d后,结合包装和CO2吸收剂,可在常温下保持3d的货架期。
- Record of Indian Jujube diseases in Yunnan Province 云南省毛叶枣病害的初步记述
- During postharvest storage of Lingwu long jujube fruit, it lost the water seriously, and the breathing peak emergenced in 6 days of storage at ambient temperature. 摘要灵武长枣在贮藏期间失水严重;呼吸跃变高峰期出现在第6天;
- indian jujube (Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.) 台湾青枣
- Preharvest infection and wound infection of pathogenic microorganism are the major factors to induce jujube fruit rot during storage.The sorts of pathogenic microorganism include bacterium and fungi. 病原菌在田间的潜伏侵染和采后的伤口侵染是引起枣果贮藏病害的主要原因,其病原菌的种类既有真菌也有细菌。
- By the investigation on the occurrence dynamic of jujube fruit shrink disease, its occurrence regulation was analyzed.The jujube fruit shrink disease was divided into different grades. 摘要通过调查几个枣树品种缩果病动态,对冬缩果病发病规律进行了分析,并将缩果病进行了病害分级。
- In Beijing, the most common mooncakes are humble bun-like pastries similar to mantou, and come filled with a paste of red jujube fruit, which tastes like a tangy dried date spread. 在北京,最常见的月饼外表简单、看似馒头,馅料多用红枣泥。
- Development of candied jujube manufactured by Indian jujube 台湾青枣加工金丝蜜枣的研制
- Effect of CaCl2 and 6-BA on membrane lipid peroxidation of postharvest jujube fruits [ J ].Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2001, 34 (1): 66-71. CaCl2和6-BA处理对枣果呼吸强度及贮藏品质的影响[J].;中国农业科学;2001;34(1):66-71
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。