- Indian little fish 半线天竺鲷
- One must risk a little fish to catch a great one. 放弃小鱼捕大鱼。
- Little fish does not eat big fish. 胳膊拧不过大腿。
- My cat had two little fish for lunch. 我的猫午餐吃了两条鱼。
- I could see little fish swimming under the water. 我可以透过水面看到许多小鱼在游泳。
- An Indian little girl(8),lives with grandpa Tige in the Brazilian rain forest. 在巴西热带雨林,一个八岁的印地安小女孩泰娜和她的爷爷生活在一起。
- I can see some little fish swimming about in the water. 我看到一些小鱼在水游来游去。
- I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. 我不是真的很确定我想成为一条大池里的小鱼。
- Mum, these little fish seem to be not quite themselves. 妈妈,小鱼们都不行啦。
- What's your feeling of being pecked by these little fish? 被小鱼啄的感觉怎么样啊?
- And sees two little fish in the shallows near the bank. 看见两条小鱼在岸边的浅水里。
- My name is kitten. (puppy, birdie, chick, bunny, little fish. 我叫小猫.;(小狗;小鸟;小鸡;小兔;小鱼
- Five little fishes Let's go to Dalian by ship. 让我们坐船去大连。
- In 1979 ago, is a little fishing village. 1979年前是一个小渔村。
- Little fishing boats began winding their conches. 小渔船吹起了海螺。
- Arriving home, the little fish described the wonders of the beautiful big pond. 到家之后,小鱼仔描绘了那个漂亮的大池塘的奇妙之处。
- Many are entranced by Little Fish's seal carvings and enjoy collecting them. 许多人醉心小鱼篆刻,并以收藏为乐。
- But the ball disintegrated at once, little fish gulping the floating specks. 可是小肉球遇水马上就碎裂开来,小鱼儿追逐着散开的肉末。
- The little fish took the bait. 小鱼吞下诱饵。
- We caught three little fishes. 我们捉到三条小鱼。