- Indirect DNA extraction method 间接DNA提取法
- Methods: The improved CTAB DNA extraction method. 方法:改良CTAB法。
- Results showed that GMO DNA extraction method was better than CTAB method, but both DNA template were suitable for PCR amplification. 结果表明:GMO试剂盒提取法和改良CTAB两种方法的DNA质量无明显差异,采用CTAB法所提取DNA质量较好,能够满足进一步PCR扩增的需要。
- METHODS: A new feasible DNA extraction method was available by modifying and optimizing the traditional CTAB extraction method. 方法:在传统十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAB)提取方法基础上,进行改良和优化,寻找出一种实用的DNA提取方法。
- A rapid DNA extraction method for wild rice 一种快速提取野生稻总DNA的方法
- DNA Extraction Method for AFLP Analysis in Citrus 适于AFLP分析用的柑橘DNA提取方法
- An efficient DNA extraction method DNA的高效提取
- We noted that the measurement errors of RAPD was buffered differentiy with various DNA extraction methods due to limited templates,thus resulted in the distinct profiles of RAPD. 由于微量标本模板DNA量较少,采用不同方法抽提DNA明显影响RAPD扩增结果。
- A DNA Extraction Method for Sect. Camellia Gene Group 红山茶高质量基因组DNA的提取
- An Optimum and Rapid DNA Extraction Method from Dry Seeds of Wheat 一种从小麦干种子中快速提取DNA的优化方法
- A New Rapid DNA Extraction Method from Single Maize Seedling 玉米单株幼芽DNA快速提取新方法
- Optimal DNA Extraction Method for Gene Mark in Walnuts 适于核桃基因标记的DNA提取方法
- Comparison of direct and indirect environmental DNA extraction methods for samples from a high-temperature environment 高温环境样品总DNA直接和间接提取方法的比较
- Study on improvement of DNA extraction method using tender leaves of wild peach 野生桃幼叶DNA提取方法的改良研究
- Rapid DNA Extraction method for Molecular Marker Analysis of Pennisetum Hybrid 杂交狼尾草分子标记分析DNA快速提取方法
- Comparison of 4 Different Gorgonian DNA Extraction Methods 柳珊瑚4种不同DNA提取方法的比较研究
- Comparison of the total DNA extraction methods in hawthorn 山楂总DNA提取方法的比较
- A modified CTAB method of genomic DNA extraction of Aquilaria sinensis(Lour. 在传统CTAB法的基础上加以改良,建立了一种适于白木香基因组DNA提取的方法。
- Genomic DNA Extraction from the Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. 中药何首乌总基因组DNA的提取。
- A renewed DNA extraction method for molecular study of Melampsora larici-populina 落叶松-杨栅锈菌DNA提取新方法研究