- Individual School Requirement 各学校需求
- Will individual schools be given the right to opt out of the local school authority? 各个学校可能有权选择退出地方教育局吗?
- Check with individual schools for details. 请跟各个学校查询有关详情。
- My school requires that every student have his own notepad. 我们学校要求每个学生都要有笔记本电脑。
- Oldham Council's service director for children, young people and families, Janet Doherty, said: "This is a matter for the individual school to resolve. 奥德汉姆地方议会的“儿童、青少年和家庭事务”主管珍妮特?多哈提说:“这应该由学校自己处理。”
- Abstract:Whitehead argued that external standardized testing was necessary.But such kind of testing must be adjusted to the unique situation of individual school. 怀特海主张,校际标准化考试是必要的,但是这种考试必须被调整以适应各个学校的特殊情况。
- The school requires that all students in P.E classes must wear sports clothes. 学校规定体育课必须穿运动服。
- California cannot require schools to use the digital textbooks. Individual school districts will have to decide for themselves. 加利福尼亚不能规定学校是否使用数字教科书。私立学区可以自行决定。
- The school requires that each of the teachers and clerks arrive at the office by half past eight. 学校规定要求全体教职员工在八点半钟前到校。
- An additional security option allows individual schools to turn off external student email. 有一个附加的安全选项使各个学校可以关闭外部学生电子邮件。
- The Graduate School requires official transcripts for all prior undergraduate and graduate study. 研究生院要求申请人出示所有大学本科和研究生学习成绩。
- Meanwhile individual schools are taking measures to redress the imbalance between teaching and research. 与此同时,各学校正采取措施纠正教学与科研不平衡的状况。
- And law schools require the Law School Admission Test, known as the LSAT. 而法学院则要求法学院入学考试LSAT。
- Now, the government wants to release power and give it to the basic functioning level of the single individual schools. 现在政府一下子要把权力下放,下放到基层,下放到每间个别学校!
- Dear Student, While the Graduate School requires a minimum TOEFL score of 80, the Department of Chemistry requires a minimum score of 105. 我也很郁闷,研院的底线是80,化学系的底线是105。不知道是不是虚张声势。以前进去的人,托福都多少分呀?
- The education department decides on general teaching policies, but the exact details are left to the individual schools. 教育部门确定总的教育方针,但确切的细节留待各个学校自己处理。
- The Ministry of Education has decided to leave the decision on styles and colors of student uniforms to individual schools. 教育部已决定由各校自行决定学生制服的式样及颜色。
- This trend towards a more individualized school management system attests to the decentralization of Taiwans educational system. 学校本位管理已是不可挡的趋势,是分权化的例证之一。
- School rules allow the individual little latitude. 校规不容许个人恣意任行。
- Chinese Minister of Education Zhou Ji said Thursday that Chinese government is confident that it can eliminate extraneous fees charged by individual schools. 中国教育部长周冀(音译)星期四称中国政府有信心消除私立学校所收取的无关的费用。