- A subfamily of the Indo - European language family comprising the Brittonic and the Goidelic branches. 凯尔特语属印欧语系,由布立吞语及戈伊德尔语两大语系组成
- A subfamily of the Indo - European language family that comprises the Indic and Iranian branches. 印度伊朗语族印欧语系下包括印度语支和伊朗语支的一个次语系
- A branch of the Indo - European language family that comprises the languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka. 印度语支印欧语系的一支,由印度次大陆和斯里兰卡的一些语言组成
- The phenomenon of noun-converted verbs is popular in both English and Chinese,despite their different language families:respectively of Indo European family and Sino-Tibetan family. :尽管英汉语分属不同的印欧语系和汉藏语系 ,但作为词汇转类现象的名转动词 ,在二种语言中都普遍存在。
- the Germanic branch of the Indo - European language family 印欧语系的日尔曼语族
- It has a membership of about 150 languages, including most European languages and Indian Subcontinental languages. It is the first and most widely investigated language family of the world. 印欧语系锁骨历史语言学家研究最早和最深的一种语系。印欧语系含大部分欧洲语言和印度次大陆语言在内的约150种语言。
- An Indo - European language of the Anatolian family,attested in documents from the second millennium b.c.and now extinct. 卢维语小亚细亚语系中的一种印欧罗巴语,公元前二千年见于史册,现已绝迹
- Of,relating to,or being any of the peoples of the Indian subcontinent who speak an Indo - European language. 印度雅利安的是或属于或与南亚次大陆任何一支说印欧语言有关的人种的
- A branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family that includes Tibetan and Burmese. 藏缅语族汉藏语系的一个包括藏语和缅甸语的分支
- The branch of the Indo-European language family that consists only of Greek. 希腊语族仅由希腊语组成的印欧语系的一个分支
- A subgroup of the Austronesian language family. 马来-波利尼西亚语澳洲语系中的一个次语系
- Of, relating to, or constituting the Indo - European languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka. 印度语支的属于、组成或与印欧语系在印度次大陆和斯里兰卡存在的语支有关的
- Of or constituting the Iroquoian language family. 易洛魁语系的属于或构成易洛魁语系的
- Of,relating to,or constituting the Indo - European languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka. 印度语支的属于、组成或与印欧语系在印度次大陆和斯里兰卡存在的语支有关的
- She works for the European Languages Department. 她在欧洲语言学系工作。
- A North American Indian language family of Washington and Oregon. 奇努克语组分布在华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的一个北美洲印第安人语组
- A branch of the Niger-Congo language family, spoken in the upper Niger River valley. 曼丁哥语尼日尔刚果语族中的一支,尼日尔河上游河谷地区的人说此语
- A language family widely spread throughout the Amazon River valley, coastal Brazil, and northeast South America. 图皮-瓜拉尼语族一种广泛散布于亚马孙河河谷、巴西沿岸地区和南美洲东北部的一个语族
- He is engaged in a comparative study of European languages. 他从事于欧洲诸语言的比较研究。
- A language family that includes Indo-European and Anatolian. 印度-赫梯语系包括印欧语系和安纳托利亚语在内的一个语系